
Sales Innovation Expo 2017… Keynote Speaker

So, in a few weeks, one will be speaking at the Sales Innovation Expo 2017.

Yep, that’s right, i’ll be a keynote speaker – talking about the customer. And in my blog, in the run up to the event, i’ll share some insights and data i’ll be using in my talk.

The key thing, above all, is the customer is always right. They might not always understand what you are selling, and they might not fully be clear on what benefits it’ll provide them… but remember one thing, as the old saying goes… the customer is always right in what they believe. 

If you haven’t got tickets for the event, i’m sure there’s some available…. 


Switching Platforms…

Hi folks,

So many of you may know, I used to use the Tumblr site for my blogs.

Recently, i’ve decided to up the ante and change things. Hence you may now notice WordPress in the url. I’m trying this out, because I feel this has more flexibility.

Does it Bal? – hold on my friend, just exploring! But so far, yes!

What’s going to happen to Tumblr? – i’ll keep it there, archive it maybe. I also have a few followers on there, so might keep it going. But this will be my primary ‘thinking’ account.

So, this was a first post to get things started… and more to follow!