
Apple’s New iPad Pro…

The gap between the iPad or any other tablet to be fair, and the computer are becoming more and more closer. What I mean by this is, that sales of computers (laptops) is heavily on the decrease and tablets sales are on the increase.

You can do very much all of the items you do on your computer, now easily – and with a lot more efficiency, on your tablet.

So Bal, do I need to buy a new iPad?

Well… depends on how long you’ve had your current one. I’ve had my iPad Pro – which I’m typing this blog from, for quite a while. Whilst it still does everything I like it to… I probably won’t be upgrading just yet. Tempted as I am though.

It comes packed with a number of features – which make it more in sync with the iPhone X and the new iPhones….

As expected – there’s a number of upgrades – including the camera, light sensors, etc…

Now – as you know, I won’t have time to review it for a few weeks – however, my friends over at the Verge have done this great 5 minute review, which shares everything you really need to know about the iPad Pro.


Humans are best, at being human…

We talk a lot about robots. How they’re eventually going to take over… how they’re taking over some jobs now… how we need to work with robots…

Well… it’s true. Let’s be honest…. they’ve taken over the repetitive jobs, and soon they’ll be taking over your job.

Bal, do I need to find a new job? Should I be worried?

Yes and No.

Yes, find a new profession – look for a new skills, learn something different.

No, don’t be worried. Similar to previous times in history – Humans have been able to re-skill, look for new opportunities and adapt.

Bal, tell me the different times in history.

Okay… better explained with a picture…

As you can see – and I’ll go into detail in another blog post – but from every ‘Industry’ there’s been something new – and humans have been able to adapt.

Now whilst technology is key – and as you can see, Industry 4.0 – introduces ‘smart’ – smart factory, IoT, Big Data, etc… there will obviously be jobs that are no longer required to be done by humans.

So what do humans have, that’ll take a little more time for robots to master?

Emotions and Feelings.

That’s right – Humans are best, at being human.

We can react. We can cry. We can be emotional. We can sense….

You know all the emotions, right?… Well, in the 1970’s Paul Eckman described the six basic emotions.

  1. Happiness
  2. Sadness
  3. Digust
  4. Fear
  5. Surprise
  6. Anger

Now, since then – more have been added, like Contempt, Joy, etc…

Our ability to display these emotions is a phenomenal skill. Something, we humans, can do with ease.

So whilst technology is taking over… let’s not get too emotional about it.

Robots have a while before they can interpret feelings…. and display emotions. Because it’s not always black and white… 0 and 1.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…


Debenhams – reporting biggest loss in its 200 year history!

Let’s not be surprised. I keep banging on about – how shopping habits are changing. How we, as individuals have more choice – more flexibility and more influences – that steer us to make certain choices.

So there shouldn’t be any surprise, when Debenhams will report an annual loss of almost £500m for the year to 1st September.

Along with the full year loss – there’ll be store closures – of around one third of it’s 165 stores, over the next five years.

There’ll also be job cuts. Yep – around 5,000 are to be affected with restructuring plans – over five years.

Shares have fallen by more than 80% over the last year.

Bal, that’s not good. Is it because we’re shopping on-line?

Partially, yes. Debenhams digital platforms are said to be trading strongly. So you have to ask the question – why isn’t there more investment in those platforms? – Why isn’t there more money in the ‘Bricks & Clicks’ model?

Bal, what’s the ‘Bricks and Clicks’ model?

It’s a model where you have a strong mix of actual stores – bricks… and a digital presence…clicks. Many stores are doing this very well. Take the retailer Next. They have a good ‘Bricks and Clicks’ model in place. In fact, they started off with the catalogue (back in the day!) – moved that quickly to an on-line platform, made ordering easier and fast forward to today… you can click and collect on the same day!

It just doesn’t seem that young people have the time, to spend in large retail stores… walking around, looking around… when it can be done quickly, easily and efficiently from home…. via the phone or tablet. However, there will be times, maybe around Christmas (seasonal) or Birthdays (occasions) when some ‘retail therapy’ of walking around a stores is needed.

It’s all about using your data. Understanding how your customers are buying. How their habits are changing. Making it easier for them. And then implementing….


Anyone seen that DVD I want to watch?

“You know the one… the one I always watch at Christmas… Home Alone – that’s the one… Home Alone, such a festive film, love to put the DVD on, sit back and watch it.”

Whilst many folk reading this, will be able to relate to the answer above – times are changing.

Yesterday – I was on BBC Radio Nottingham. Sharing my thoughts on the announcement that John Lewis will stop selling DVD players.

That’s right – if you need one, I suggest you hurry up – make your way to the local electrical outlet and purchase one.

But why would you need one?

Remember the days of the VHS? – Yep, they soon disappeared when DVD’s came. Because DVD’s were able to offer better quality, slim design, didn’t have to worry about the ‘reel’ part of the mechanism, was easy to skip chapters, etc… just made life a lot easier.

Digital was here. Then we had (and have) Blu Ray. Even better quality.

But why are we still using them? With Netflix profits soaring – in 2017, they’d made an annual profit of $558.9m! – more and more people want to watch, what they want… when they want… and how they want!

Just look at Netflix’s revenue per quarter… since Q1 2011, (by the way, the unit is millions US Dollars on the left).

Crazy right?! – more and more people are streaming. Not just Netflix, but there’s also Amazon’s Prime that offers you an array of films, shows, etc.. to watch. You then have the trusted YouTube! – which we all know, has a phenomenal amount of content – not just cats jumping around.

Hence this is the reason why we’ve stopped buying DVD players – why have the physical disc in your hand – why not just press a few buttons on your remote control and watch what you want. Imagine the space you’ll save. Imagine the flexibility of watching it on your phone, your tablet….(as well as your TV).

What’s next? – I think there’ll be less films and more series – more box sets. Because our attention span is reducing – can we really sit there for a couple of hours watching a film…. or would we be rather engaged in a series of 1 hr episodes that continue to tell a story.

And do we need to go to the cinema? – John Lewis also reported, the most popular TV screen size that was sold was 55″, compared to a few years ago, when it was 40″.

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation…

Willing to risk the unusual?

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…


Avocados and Travelling…

The workforce is changing.

We have old people. We have young people. And just on that diversity – there’s a lot of different expectations.

I recently saw a tweet, which made me laugh – it summarised the Millennial expectations & how they think perfectly!

Point 3 for me was the best!

So, who are these ‘Millennials’, Bal?

Well… the best way to inform you – is by a picture.

A point to highlight here is – 75% of the workshop by 2030 will be Millennials.

But Bal… what makes them different from the previous Generation?

There’s a couple of key things…

1. Social Media & the Internet

This is a generation that’s grown up with the internet. Everything is… and should be available instantly…. be it retrieving information, or being able to share content.

2. Not just 9 til 5

Gen X has always been about, going into work… be there for 9. Work through the day, be it the office, factory or where ever they work. Finish at 5, come home… rest & then repeat. This doesn’t work for the Millennials. They want to be able to work when they want, where they want and how they want.

3. Sharing is Caring

The Millennials sure do like to share. More team orientated. More achievement orientated. More outcome focused. Not ones to keep information to themselves – but share that information and see what others can do to collaborate and make it something even better.

This is one of the reasons why we have seen so many startups. So many successful organisations appear and be so dominant. Because of new thinking – but also the new ways of working.

For existing corporations, companies and organisations – it’s important to adapt. Remember Darwin’s saying….. It’s not the strongest that survive, but those that are most adaptable to change.

So what do you do then? – simple… hire some millennials and learn from them… on what you can start to do – in adapting the organization/company for the future.

Monday Motivation

Going Sober for October!

Morning folks! – Hope you had a great weekend…. and hope you have a great week ahead!! – You’re awesome!

Bal… what do you want? – you’re being nice.

I’m always nice…

Not always Bal. And what’s this ‘Sober October’ you’re talking about?

Ah… okay, I’ll be honest with you. I’m looking for you to donate some money to a Cancer Charity because I’m doing Sober October!

That’s right – nothing to do with Technology, Digital… or anything Innovation related. Nothing to do with Lean, Process or anything Data related…. but you know what, I’m going to share with you all what I’m doing this October because it’s for a great cause.

As you may know… I like the odd beer now and again, and really appreciated Jameson bottles I recieved for my birthday.

However, Macmillan Cancer Support is a great charity – and they have opportunity for folk to take part in ‘Sober October’ which means, you raise money and go Sober for the whole month of October!

As difficult as it may seem… and there were times I craved for a beer… but I’ve stayed sober. Sticking with the Coke Zero when out.

So… if you think I can do it, and would like to donate some money to charity, that helps those with cancer – which is only a good thing – then please click on the link below – (Thank you!!!!)


Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

One of my favourite quotes is… ‘Fail to Plan…. Plan to Fail’.