So I’m going to continue through the chapters of the book I’m reading that’s been written by Arnold.
Today’s thought centres around…

Chapter 2 was great!
Recently, I was on a call with my mentor. We were having a chat and he stopped and said, Bal… you need to think bigger.
I was like – what do you mean bigger… He said, you’re thinking too small! It was like he’d read this chapter before we’d had our conversation! (He hadn’t by the way!)
We think next steps. Baby steps sometimes – which can be ok. But what is the bigger picture?
In the vision board – how big did you go? Some people say they want to write a book. That’s great. But do you want it to be a ‘best seller’? Or just another book? You got to think big. Bigger than what you’re thinking. If you’re aspiring to be an actor, do you want to act in a few films or act and win awards? Oscars?
This chapter in Arnold’s book really made me think – that you have to think big. Think big and bold. Not just want you’re going to achieve in a few years (whilst short term planning is important) you have to think bigger… 10 years. 15 years. 20 years. What is it that you want to achieve? What kind of legacy do you want to build?
I recently finished the book, ‘psychology of money’. Great read! I’ll talk about that another day. But one thing that it talks about is, compund interest. How over long period of times, your money will grow – and grow and grow. Don’t look short term. Think long term. I’ve done something similar, where about 15 years ago – I opened a savings account. And I put in £100 per month. It’s one of these that is a shares savings account (for those in the UK – Stocks and Shares ISA). Now, it’s grown. Every 4 or 5 years, I check it and see how it’s doing, do I need to change anything but in all honesty – I’ve just let it grow! Now when I opened it, I jokingly called it my ‘Lamborghini Fund’. I thought one day, I might have enough to put a deposit on a Lamborghini. Priorities have changed since then – but you know what give it some more time… and I won’t be far off! That was me thinking big then!! Then I was driving a 8 year old VW Golf diesel – but I was thinking big about a Lamborghini.
So to wrap up today’s Friday Thought… don’t think small. Think big… think huge! And dare to dream because you need to chase those dreams… as they will become reality one day.