Recently, I finished reading a book that was recommended to me, called Grit.
Really good book! For obvious reasons I won’t go into much detail – as I recommend you should read it, but it really dives into what makes some characters that excel have that grit to succeed.

There’s alot you can take away from it – but one thing, which I will share, that the book talks about is passion.
I’ve spoken about this before. Asking you, what is your passion?
My passion? I have a few – football, cars… both which I’ve loved since a very young age. Passion on both kind of dwindled but then came back. But could I choose one out of the two? Probably. Am I really passionate about which one I choose? – wouldn’t use the word ‘really’ but have a strong interest. I also like cooking. I also like volunteering. I also like helping others and mentoring.
How do you focus in on your passion?
Well, I try different things. And if there is something I enjoy, I continue. If there isn’t something that I enjoy, I’ll see it out – or do it for a particular duration, then halt it. Which is ok. Because what’s the reason in continuing with something you don’t enjoy?
You’re probably thinking, Bal… why haven’t you mentioned technology and blogging.
Great question! I love all things tech related. And blogging… well, I’ve been doing it on and off (sorry for the off parts) for a while. Must be three, four years… and it’s brought me some success in the form of, me being invited to BBC Radio to talk about the latest tech. Whilst I’ll continue with my blog and talk about technology, leadership and motivation… can my passions be combined? Football and technology – for example? (Let’s not talk about VAR). I’ve already talked about cars and technology – and how advanced our main. mode of transportation has become more tech than anything else.
Whilst I combine, look and continue with some of passions, what are you doing with your passion?