Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Yes.. it’s back! My Friday Thought is back!! And I’m taking some inspiration from a book I’m currently reading…

I got the book at Christmas – and wasn’t sure how good it’d be. But honestly, reading the first chapter – love it.

There’s a sense of honesty (Arnold uses words he would normally say.. like bullsh*t etc..), transparency and openness. I think, these elements make the book a great read.

And so to my Friday Thought… it’s on the first chapter of the book…

I won’t share my full story here about my vision – but in the book, Arnold talks about having a vision. I’m not going to relay everything Arnold says – you have to buy the book and read it – but in all honesty, it’s very true with some great examples from him.

You have to have a vision of what you want to be, where you are going and where you want to be.

For me, when growing up – I loved cars. Had a poster of a Ferrari F40 on my wall. Loved them. When I went to university, in my first year, I studied Automotive Engineering. But a chance encounter with a Professor, said there’s more opportunities for me if I did something like Mechanical or Manufacturing Engineering… and so I switched and I think that was the right thing to do because then I got my first job at Kodak.

I’ve never had a vision board as such, always looked at cars (which is one of my passions) and thought, would love to drive that one day. Not necessarily own… but definitely drive.

Even from a career perspective… I’ve always wanted to be in a particular position and have a particular title (I’ll share more about what this is/was in another blog post!)

So how do you have a clear vision… well, a vision board might help! And rather than me explain it, I thought… why not have Lily Singh explain it to you…

So my Friday Thought is…. inspired from Arnold…. Have a Clear Vision.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

I know… it’s been a while! I appreciate your understanding! But more importantly… where is 2024 going?! March already!!!!

I am trying to blog more – sharing more of my thoughts on technology, people and processes… all are important in today’s world. And for today’s friday thought, it’s very much around vibes.

I do often look and feel for vibes… good or bad. And when you get good vibes… Enjoy!

You should too… look out for vibes. Feel the vibes.

Vibes are important because it’s a form of communication that can be so powerful, it leaves you with thoughts, memories and/or experiences.

What is a Vibe? (the below is taken from the Cambridge Dictionary)

The mood of a place, situation, person, etc. and the way that they make you feel:

laid-back vibe The city is famous for its laid-back vibe.

vibe of I loved the overall vibe of the place but the food wasn’t that great.

The music has a soothing vibe.

I didn’t like the place—it had bad vibes.

I was getting some weird vibes from him—I don’t think he liked me.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Recently I’ve been watching Mr Bates Vs The Post Office.

This isn’t my normal Friday Thought.

I saw the panorama documentary on BBc1 many years ago – 2015 I think it was. When watching it then, I thought to myself – wow. They haven’t really got to grips with the technology that’s been rolled out. Hope something is done.

It’s the hope that kills us.

January 2024, and there’s an ITV drama about the whole Post Office scandal. And there’s two things I’d like to explore –

  1. Why has it taken a TV drama serialised on true events to wake the nation up to a disgraced organisation and the events that took place?
  2. Why did the technology not be stopped?
Mr Bates Vs The Post Office is available to watch on ITV1

Let’s look at the first one – the TV programme.

We know, that you can read something – but our attention spans are not what they used to be. You can see something, like pictures, videos, documentaries, etc… and alot of it you’ll notice, appreciate and get to know.

It’s when it’s brought to a ‘real-life’ drama, that it sinks in. When you see emotions on the people – that’s when it hits.

Emotions you can’t really get through text.

Emotions you can’t really get through a documentary.

Emotions you can get whilst watching a drama based on true events.

And it’s when these emotions hit us, then there’s outrage. And it’s the outrage that is currently occuring. It shouldn’t have taken a TV drama…

Secondly, there was so much money invested in the computer system – hence they didn’t stop. But… that to oneside, the human element is what took over. Greed.

It’s unbelievable that an organisation such as the Post Office could carry out such behaviours. No one thought to look at the trends, the data and moreso, the people that have served their communities. Instead, each one was told… it’s just you. When it clearly wasn’t.

Everything comes from the top. The behaviours, the attitudes and the way people act. So many homes and families were destroyed.

Not to discuss now, but will be on a future blog… is the Post Office fit to continue?

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Well, hope the first week of the new year has been good.

For me… it’s been busy! I was at Guru Nanak’s Mission on Monday – a local charity where I help cook for the homeless and vulnerable. Then work has been busy.. working till late. Last night, I was on a call with folks from my UEFA C course.

BUT… I did manage to, eat well (kind of), get some exercise in, read my new book and do some studying (I’m doing a course with Cornell University – called Leadership lessons from Ancient Rome).

You have to make sure you schedule these in… if not, then you’ll get tired very quickly and not be able to focus on the right things.

Show me your daily wins… maybe we can share them on social media and tag folks for encouragement.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

My Friday Thought today… knowing when to pick up the pen and when to pick up the sword. Art of War… winning without fighting.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

There’s a lot going on around the world. This Friday thought is not tech related – but moreso about our human nature. We should be more considerate to those around us and those who are being effected by the events that are taking place in a number of areas around the world.

And then there’s people locally to us, who may be going through struggles that may not be as evident to us.

We just need to be kind to others.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Sometimes you ask, why me?!

There’ll always be a reason why. At that time, the chimp part of our brain won’t listen. It’ll bang on about why me, why not them, what’s happening, etc…

This is why think about the journey.

Think about the process.

And keep going – stay on track and believe in yourself.

You are your own strength and supporter.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Saw this wonderful quote on a poster, and thought it’s too good not to share with you.

There’s so much to digest… but for me, the last line is soooo important and the one that hits hard.

Bal's Friday Thought Uncategorized

Bal’s Friday Thought

I was recently watching some videos on Instagram. And there’s one that I’ve watched many times – and I love it. I usually refer to it on many occasions when I’m talking to others.

I’ve even written the first part of it, on my chalk board at home!

There’s so many takeaways you can have from the simple message. I take away that no matter what you’re planning, looking to, etc… focus on today. It’s similar to the book – The Power of Now. Focus on the now, the here and enjoy it. What you do today will help you in the future… that’s why enjoy the present moment.

And if you’re thinking… Bal, that’s great – but what is the rest of it?

Well, here you go… Enjoy!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Think like a farmer.

Why… because everything a farmer does for their farm, you should think about doing (if not already) for your workplace.