
CES 2020

Every year, the biggest electronics show that takes place in January, in the USA and is written up by yours truly, every year.

But this year – I thought, there’s alot of great reviews – and there’s alot of subjects – such as best tech cars, best tech wearable, etc… so I’d leave it for this year.

Until… someone actually asked me…’Bal, when are you writing your review for CES 2020?’ – wow! someone reads my CES updates! lol – ok, here it is… it’s short, it’s simple… with my top takeaways!

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First up…. Cars!

Mercedes stole the show away with their Avatar themed car

The German automaker’s Avatar-inspired concept car, the Vision AVTR, is one of the biggest things at CES.

Outlandish design? Check.

Futuristic tech that doesn’t actually work right now? Check.

Striking a partnership with a popular entertainment company in order to use its intellectual property to help prop up the messaging behind a concept car? Check and check.

Check the below video….

Right – next up, the reverse microwave!

That’s right – it does the opposite to a microwave… it cools! and quickly!

The start-up involved hopes to launch Juno later this year to cool cans and bottles of drink at point of use, meaning they do not need to be stored in refrigerators in advance.

I personally think this will be awesome – I’ve personally seen and tested something similar in the coke labs…. glad this is becoming more mainstream!

Now… the last one – I’m going for the top 3… is around gaming, and no surprise… it’s the PS5

Image result for sony playstation 5 ces 2020

I bet it must have taken ages to design the logo…

Actually – it wasn’t even the console that was shared… it was just the logo! That’s right folks – Sony know they’re at the top of the game (excuse the pun), that they just walked out, announced the logo and dropped the mic.

To be fair – it’s a warning signal to everyone else – watch out… watch out what’s coming… it’s going to be big…. bigger than before.

My Top 3 Moments from CES 2020…. some of the other highlights?

Well… Uber and Hyundai are going to be offering flying taxi rides by 2023.

Nuraloops could be the best headphones. Ever.

A robot that brings you toilet paper when you’ve run out. (We’ve all been there!)

And finally… Samsung is really going to release robotic kitchen arms – that’ll do the cooking for you!


Bal’s Friday Thought…

When was the last time you spent quality time with your customer or key stakeholder? – really got to know what they want and what they are really after?

In Lean… everything starts and ends with the customer. Because, at the end of the day – it’s those customers who’ll be parting with their hard earned money….


Is your (Microsoft Operated) Computer ready for 2020?

Firstly, hope you all had a lovely Christmas – and are looking forward to 2020!

One thing, I was alerted to recently, was about Windows 10. You may be thinking – what about Windows 10?!

Well – for those who have a computer. And run windows. You must ensure you have upgraded to the latest version of Windows…. which is Windows 10.

This is because Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 7 Operating System on January 14th, 2020.

Now, whilst there’s been a lot of information around this – I’m sure… lots of people may have missed it!

Bal, why should I upgrade?

Explaining more about the end of Windows 7 and why it is no longer offering updates, the US firm said: “Microsoft made a commitment to provide 10 years of product support for Windows 7 when it was released on October 22, 2009. “When this 10-year period ends, Microsoft will discontinue Windows 7 support so that we can focus our investment on supporting newer technologies and great new experiences.

“The specific end of support day for Windows 7 will be January 14, 2020. After that, technical assistance and software updates from Windows Update that help protect your PC will no longer be available for the product.

“Microsoft strongly recommends that you move to Windows 10 sometime before January 2020 to avoid a situation where you need service or support that is no longer available.

“You can continue to use Windows 7, but after support has ended, your PC will become more vulnerable to security risks and viruses.

“Windows will continue to start and run, but you will no longer receive software updates, including security updates, from Microsoft.”

So the key thing is security!!!

The world we live in today isn’t nice – there’s a lot of hackers and people wanting your personal information… so having the latest operating system, the latest security on your computer – will help protect it!


Our Needs are Changing…

You all know Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs…

I won’t go through it all – but the basic is physiological, safety, etc… but it just seems to be, that our needs are changing!

What you saying Bal? – we still need the basics of Food, Water, Sleep etc…

We do indeed – but as technology is advancing – so are our needs.

We now rely more on our devices than ever –

Image result for new maslow hierarchy of needs wifi

That’s right – a bit cheeky, and a bit jokey – but now it’s more about the battery on our phone/device – and then wifi!

Ok, lets be honest – we still need food and water… but talk to alot of young folk, and it’s about where the charging points are, how much battery they have – most will probably plan for the day based on their battery life!

Also – when they go places… it’s very much about the free wifi, or wifi that is available. Connectivity right? – we all want to be connected and online.

But here’s something – do we really have to be connected all the time?

Holidays (Christmas) are coming soon – recommend, if you have a chance, unplug… disconnect… and do something you haven’t done for a while. It’ll help you re-focus… and then you can work your way up the needs!


Ready for Christmas – more ideas…

As promised, here’s another idea for Christmas.

Now – whilst you’ve got a few books, and are reading and learning – or well, at least the people you’ve given them to – are reading and learning – what other things are there out there you could get?

So… for me, I wanted to share with you some motivational folk that have inspired me – or at least have my attention when i’m listening to them.

First up – Gary!

That’s right – Gary Vee, actually known as Gary Vaynerchuk is a great inspirational person. Not only on all the social media channels – but his quotes and books, are simple, effective and really make you think.

For example – one of the things he says is – you’re young, you got time – to those younger folk who want to achieve success quickly. There’s so many things that Gary has done – it really does make you think about your future.

So for Christmas – head over to his website and have a look at what you could get for a friend or family.

Also – don’t forget to follow him on Twitter, Insta, etc… he’s all over social media!

Next up… Tony Robbins!

There’s so much he offers – all depends on your budget. But maybe start with a live event or training programme first. Then move up to a coaching session perhaps…

Find out more about Tony – read his blog, listen to his podcast or watch a video.

There’s plenty more inspirational folk out there – but these two have built a great foundation – and the amount of material they offer is phenomenal.

So…. with the books, you can truly inspire someone to take themselves to the next level!


Bal’s Friday Thought…


Bal’s Friday Thought…

Had a lovely note from someone today…. saying thank you for your positivity.

I do intend to look at the positive side of things… usually asking, what’s the worse that could happen!?!


Bal’s Friday Thought…

Are you able to give a little extra?


Thank you for staying…

I’m not talking about a hotel stay – where at the end, they say thank you for staying with us. I’m talking about work.

If you are a manager, people manager… when was the last time you said to someone – Thank you for staying.

Bal – do you think people are naturally looking to leave?

Not naturally, but let’s be honest, most people, are looking for alternatives. Want to do better. Want to move on. Yes, there will be a section of the workforce that want to stay… however, this thought was provoked within me, when a few weeks ago, someone was leaving… and we were like, oh… we’ll miss you, etc.. and then someone else stood there, and we jokingly said to them – thank you for staying!

Image result for thank you for staying with us

Is everyone looking to leave? Do you really want some people to stay?

Well, your top performers, those who are doing well for your organisation and those you want to stay – should be thanked for staying.

I’m not saying, you go out and say thank you to everyone for staying. Choose wisely. Target the individuals whom you want to stay.

Studies show that there’s a high percentage of high performers that will not like becoming comfortable. They want to be challenged. They want to experience new things. They will look for opportunities – and if they don’t receive them, then guess what – they will look elsewhere for them. They could even move continent!

Image result for high performers graph

That’s right – not just moving job, but moving state/region, moving country… and 28% moving continent!

Ok, but in a time frame – what’s the likely hood of a top performer leaving?

Image result for high performers job opportunities

1 in 5! – intend to leave in the next six months!!

So just imagine what saying thank you for staying, could do to them….


4 day work week anyone?

This morning, as you do… I’m having my English Breakfast Tea, scrolling on my social media and noticed that Nico Orie shared a brilliant article on LinkedIn.

Firstly, go follow Nico on LinkedIn, and secondly – you got to read the article he shared… for those wondering what it was – it was that Microsoft in Japan, trialed a 4 day work week, which meant, the employees had every Friday off.

What this meant was staggering! Productivity increased by 39.9%! 23% less electricity being used!

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Here’s the link to Nico’s post –

And here’s a link to the actual article that showed the information –

So I started to read up a little more – it seems like there’s a number of companies that are trialing this 4 day week, with a Friday off…. and all the results show an increase in productivity. Why?

Because – firstly, this allows many employees to do things on a Friday that they struggle with during the week – for example, seeing the doctor, going to the bank (though many do online banking, a few still go to a bank), having the car MOT’d (if you’re in the UK, that’s mandatory), and many more things that you delay to the weekend or would have to do after work.

Also, it changes the mental attitude. Most of us complain about how short the weekend is. Now… you’ve essentially got an extra day! – the whole work life balance just got that little bit better!

Will we all move to adopt the 4 day working week – I don’t think it’ll happen overnight, but can definitely some companies and industries moving to this model. Some won’t be able to – because the way they are structured or how their business models work.

I’d like to take this opportunity, on this Monday morning to show my support for a 4 day working week! – And let the productivity increase commence!!