Following Black Friday… there used to be, Cyber Monday!
This was when, the internet was new(ish) and people would flock to open their internet browser or favourite app and go to order some bargains!
Well, times have changed.
The move from bricks and mortar only shopping to now, where majority is online… there isn’t really a need for ‘Cyber Monday’.
You can get all your ‘black friday’ deals on your favourite apps and websites. No need for those in store visits, queues, fighting over that heavily reduced tv that you’ve never heard of before (and probably don’t really need).

We don’t even say digital photo’s anymore. Nor ‘digital camera’.
We’re technically moving away from the word ‘digital’ as it’s now engrained amongst us. Everything (nearly) is digital.
This doesn’t mean that shops and stores do not get the visits they require. They sure do. People, some, still, like to go into a store, have a look around… touch, feel, smell, etc… some like to talk to someone to get some more detail… some folks like to walk around, it’s nice to do now and again… walk around, have a good look.
Whilst we are in this ‘hybrid’ mode of shopping, the interesting thing is that so many folks are sucked into the thought that online is cheaper or particular days of the year (Black Friday/Cyber Monday) are the best times to buy something.
Like I always say – do your research. And if you really need something and it’s on sale, then go and grab yourself a bargain. (I would like to note – that prices may seem reduced when in fact they’ve been priced up and then reduced for certain sale days – hence, always look at the history of a product).
So what exactly is Cyber Monday?

It’s a marketing term.
Isn’t everything marketing these days?
Holidays are coming. (Smiley face!)
There’s various apps available that help you know if it’s a bargain or not. There’s various forums and groups – that also help you. There’s a lot of information available for you to make an informed decision.
With that, have a great Monday… if it’s Cyber or not.