Ok…. who remembers the big bad boy motor, also known as the Hummer?

What a classic! That’s right – these beasts were massive!!! I don’t remember seeing too many on the British streets, well… let’s be honest… the streets are too small for a massive vehicle like this! But in the US and everywhere else (where they have larger streets) you could see them…
Now… as you can guess, they were heavy on the fuel… big and that’s about it! (You know you still wanted one!)
Times are changing… in my last blog post, I spoke about if you should get an electric car.
Couple of questions I got were – ‘….but Bal, I like the traditional big cars, with the big V8’s…’, and also, questions like… ‘Bal, I’d got for a hybrid or full electric if it didn’t look like a Prius!’.
I hear ya. I do… and so do General Motors (GM) – the makers of the Hummer…. and even they are embracing the electric car revolution!

That’s right – there’s going to be an ELECTRIC HUMMER!!!
Over on their website… they shared some impressive stats…

0-60 in 3 SECONDS!!!!
Oh MY!!!!!!
Personally, I can’t wait. And here’s your answer to a Prius!
So… still thinking if you should go electric? Definitely start thinking about it.
GM pulled out a commercial about the new Hummer…
But personally… still don’t think it’ll get down our British streets!