As ‘normality’ kicks in, with covid-19 restrictions lifting, many folk have started to go back into the office. And is this the right thing to do?

You remember the office right? – the commute to the office, the sitting around, the coffees, etc.. oh, and yes – don’t forget the work.
For the office-based folk – homeworking enabled them to the work they could from an office – but at home. Now… couple of things when you’re working from home (many would’ve realised…)
- There’s no commute. I’m not counting you coming down the stairs. That’s not a commute.
- The coffee breaks. Well, you can have a coffee break, but who will you talk to?
- Just looking up and talking to someone – unless your kids are there – it’s not going to happen.
The whole social aspect is kind of lost at home. You can try a zoom beer hour, it’s not the same thing.
Now saying all the above. I’m not saying you have to go into the office. What I’m actually saying is, you need a model that works for you. What is best for you, home working might be best for your personality – you might enjoy it, maybe you hated the commute, maybe you never took those coffee breaks, maybe you didn’t enjoy talking to other – and just loved the excel file your head was buried in all day.
Everyone is different.
Telling people to go back into the office is not the right thing.
Everyone should be able to make their own decision.
I’m going back into the office a day or two a week.
- Collaboration. Ideas come better and problems are solved quicker when you can talk to someone face to face. You can see their body language, their facial expressions and get more done when you are with someone.
- Communication. Yes, we can communicate over the phone and talk about things but when in person – you can use the softer sills that are needed for particular communications – such as changes to the organisation, new and upcoming events, etc…
- Consideration. Let’s be honest, a lot has happened in the past few years. Alot. and we need to be considerate to everyone. You just don’t know what they are going through. And if you know a little, and you are present… it may give them an opportunity to talk to someone. It’s good to talk.
One size does not fit all.
It’s what works best for you.
And with today’s technology enabling us to work from anywhere… do we really need offices?