
New Government… New Leadership

Firstly, congratulations to the Labour part for winning the recent UK election. They won a majority and have formed a new government.

It looks like they have not wasted any time in starting some of the work they said they would do. And this is great. Sometimes, change is good. Many of the new MP’s seem eager to get going and make the changes needed for the country.

I’ve blogged previously about leadership – and how change can be necessary, or knowing when to step down. Remember Julius Caeser?

New leaders will have a point to prove.

New leaders will want to show what they can actually do.

New leaders will have the opportunity to showcase their talents.

I’m not just referring to the new Prime Minister. But the leaders of the various departments across the government.

So as the new leaders start actioning on their plans and what they’re going to do, I’m reading this morning stories how one minister, spent the weekend preparing a speech to cut red-tape and encourage more homes to be built. This has sent the share price of house builders up. All of a sudden, the energy is increased – the hope for a better future starts to be built. And will be soon, literally.

As you know, I’ve studied and looked at many leaders… from political background to sports, to many other types. And there’s a few principles which really matter. I won’t share them all here – but one key one, is having the attribute of believe.

Not going all Ted Lasso, but honestly – if you look at leaders, the good ones, the best ones, they have a believe they can improve the situation. Build for success and really enjoy the gains. It might not be all smooth sailing but the returns will come.

If you’re a leader, would love to hear what makes you so good?

Is it your skills to manage to manage a team?

Is it more numbers related?

Are you someone who always has positive energy?