Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Failure is a scary thing.

I coach/mentor a few folk. And was having a conversation with one of them recently about the fear of failure.

I usually ask them, regarding a particular situation, what is the worse that could happen?

You see, how we perceive failure today will be big. If something happened today – it’ll be huge. BUT… in a week?… in a month?… in a year?….

That’s because we learn from our failures. And that’s what makes us stronger and better.


Cyber Monday

Following Black Friday… there used to be, Cyber Monday!

This was when, the internet was new(ish) and people would flock to open their internet browser or favourite app and go to order some bargains!

Well, times have changed.

The move from bricks and mortar only shopping to now, where majority is online… there isn’t really a need for ‘Cyber Monday’.

You can get all your ‘black friday’ deals on your favourite apps and websites. No need for those in store visits, queues, fighting over that heavily reduced tv that you’ve never heard of before (and probably don’t really need).

We don’t even say digital photo’s anymore. Nor ‘digital camera’.

We’re technically moving away from the word ‘digital’ as it’s now engrained amongst us. Everything (nearly) is digital.

This doesn’t mean that shops and stores do not get the visits they require. They sure do. People, some, still, like to go into a store, have a look around… touch, feel, smell, etc… some like to talk to someone to get some more detail… some folks like to walk around, it’s nice to do now and again… walk around, have a good look.

Whilst we are in this ‘hybrid’ mode of shopping, the interesting thing is that so many folks are sucked into the thought that online is cheaper or particular days of the year (Black Friday/Cyber Monday) are the best times to buy something.

Like I always say – do your research. And if you really need something and it’s on sale, then go and grab yourself a bargain. (I would like to note – that prices may seem reduced when in fact they’ve been priced up and then reduced for certain sale days – hence, always look at the history of a product).

So what exactly is Cyber Monday?

It’s a marketing term.

Isn’t everything marketing these days?

Holidays are coming. (Smiley face!)

There’s various apps available that help you know if it’s a bargain or not. There’s various forums and groups – that also help you. There’s a lot of information available for you to make an informed decision.

With that, have a great Monday… if it’s Cyber or not.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

One snippet, one moment… is all it takes for someone to form an impression. To form that opinion. To form that picture by which they’ll judge you.

Usually, there’s much more going on. Much much more.

Social Media has made it so easy for us to assume from a persons single post or comment.

Whilst everyone chooses different things to share at different parts of the day, week, month… just remember, what we see isn’t always the full picture.


New for Christmas…

It’s literally around the corner. And I’ll soon be on the local BBC Radio station talking about the latest and great gadgets and technology items you can buy to put under the tree.

That’s right. Christmas presents. What should you buy!

Whilst I could roll a list of great things you could buy – I thought I’d take the opportunity to share what you should watch out for in case you’re thinking of getting some of the ‘top’ items.

What do I mean by ‘top’? – well, phones, tablets, etc… you know, the usual, high-use, highly desirable…. Products.

So up first, the iPhone 14.

No… the iPhone 14… is facing some delays!

That’s because, looks like, everyone wants one. (Mainly for those on iPhone 7 and 8’s who want to upgrade).

So, if you’re looking for an iPhone this christmas – start researching now and get your orders in as soon as possible!

Now… rather than going all brand new on an iPhone 14… I would also suggest, there’s some good deals on the iPhone 13 and 12! (Just saying – might be worth looking at them also).

The other item I’ve heard that could potentially run low in the run up to Christmas is the Air-Fryer

Why the air fryer?

Because a) it helps keep the cost of electricity down, b) you can do so much with it… literally replaces a number of items in your kitchen and c) they’re really quick!

That’s why, many people are rushing to buy them. And whilst there’s various makes and models out there – the popular ones, may have limited stock due to it’s popularity.

I’ve got one. And fully recommend it. They’re absolutely brilliant.

I will share what you should consider buying for Christmas, but that’ll be in future blog posts – and I’ll share on my social media when I’ll be on local radio sharing more about the latest technology and what you should be considering.

Old Tech

What you have Vs What you (actually) use

I’m sat at my dining table this Sunday morning. It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, and after a busy summer… and after a few busy weeks talking to people about tech and some of the headwinds approaching – thought it’d be appropriate to share my thoughts.

Everything is getting expensive. We know this. Prices of essentials (food, energy, etc…) are increasing. With this in mind, it’s good to do a review of your technology landscape.

What devices do you have/own – and what do you use.

Now, usually… we’d have our phone, maybe a tablet (iPad or an Android version), and some more. It’s that ‘some more’ that we need to focus on. Do we have old phones in the drawer that we don’t use?

Now would be a good time to have a clear out.

But remember… delete and reset the device! The last thing you want is something else having your information and data. Delete your profiles and information… then reset the device. Hard reset. Delete the device (factory reset) if you have the option.

The reason to have a look at what you own and what you use is because, devices have evolved so much – that one or two devices will do what several used to do.

I know this was rapidly increased a while back – but even today, some of our phones and devices are so good and have so much built in, it makes you think… do I need anything else?

We’ll see more of the above.

In fact, we’re seeing it now. New cars can be controlled from your phone. Home heating systems can be controlled from your phone.

What else do you think can be done from your from today (or in the next few years?)

So when you have the opportunity, summarise what you own and what you use. Then start to clear out. Sell devices or items you don’t use any more – invest that money you get to upgrade or have something newer that will last you a few extra years.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

There’s a lot of time, people spend, in trying to please others.

I once shared a Friday Thought… if you want to please everybody, buy an ice cream van.

Truth be told… it’s a need to be liked. To be accepted. To be part…. But the real truth is, you lose yourself. Don’t. You are you. You are unique. You are awesome.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

My Friday Thought today is… Efforts reflect interest.

The more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

The more you tend to it, the bigger it’ll grow.

The higher the effort, the larger the gain.

The more you’re interested, the more effort you’ll put in.

Enjoy what you do…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

A friend of mine recently started a new job. He’s a clever guy. Has lots of experience. But said he’s struggling a little. I said you will…

It’s a change in the culture, how they do things, you’ll be learning new ways of working, etc… the most important thing is that whilst you find it slightly difficult now in terms of adjusting and that you’re out of your comfort zone, in six months to a year, you’ll be fully embedded.

So if you’re embarking on something new… just remember, it gets easier… (Oh, and if you’re unsure about moving, just read the book… ‘Who moved my cheese?’)

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

I always speak about the process.

It’s so important – to be part of the journey, tell the story and understand how it’s done. Don’t just be part of the outcome.

And with that, below is my Friday Thought from Alex Morton…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

It’s been a while! For that, I apologise. A lot has been going on… (all good just to add! – just been super busy) but I’m back on it again! (And appreciate the messages from you guys asking me about me blog, the Friday Thought, etc…)

And here we go, with today’s Friday Thought…