Nearly Easter… Nearly April! – Where is the time going?! Well… still a lot happening, everything from ‘apparently’ the shortage of toilet roll because of Evergreen’s vessel that is stuck in the Suez Canal! With something like 327 vessels held up (on both sides) we sure can expect some delays on some supplies.
Saying the above – please, do not… go out and stock up on toilet roll. I’m sure we have enough supply.
Ok, my top 2 stories of the week (and there were plenty to chose from!)
- As many of you know, I’m on Twitter (@balbansal). Whilst I tweet about all sorts – it’s mainly about Nottingham Forest, Technology, Lean Thinking and Innovation, etc… Oh, and you can expect to see photo’s of lunch at my mums. But did you know, Jack (the founder of Twitter) sold his first every tweet for a cool $2.9m!

Crazy right! 2.9 million dollars! It went to a Malaysia-based businessman. If you’re wondering what it was, it was ‘just setting up my twttr’. If you’re interested in buying any of my tweets – please do reach out to me.
2. Now last week, I shared a story about the new Apple Car. Well, this week, our friend Elon Musk said… that you can buy a Tesla using Bitcoin!

In the US, orders for new Tesla cars can now be secured with the equivalent of a $100 deposit in Bitcoin.
The facility would be rolled out to other countries in the coming months, Mr Musk said.

But Bitcoin’s value rapidly moves up and down – meaning the cryptocurrency price of the car could change day to day.
Tesla has invested heavily in the digital currency, buying $1.5bn (£1.1bn) worth of Bitcoin.
So there you go… my top two stories of the week, and for those wondering… Bal – can I buy your tweets using Bitcoin?…. my answer is, not just yet… I’m definitely forward thinking, just not as much as Elon Musk… or shall I say, I’ve personally not invested so much in Bitcoin. Yet.