A few weeks ago, I was in London with my colleague Bruno, who’d travelled over from Brussels – for a meeting.
I noticed his shoes – very nice they were, and let him know that.
For the next 10 minutes, Bruno explained to me how the High Street was changing – and where he went to buy his shoes, they had a Ferrari and other ‘items’ which you wouldn’t normally find in a traditional shoe shop. It was more like an experience centre – where you walk in, sofa’s, tea and coffee, let the kids look at the Ferrari, whilst you take your time and find the right shoes.

I fully agree. The High Street is changing. There’s more on-line shopping. We know this! – just look at the statistics.
Bal, how can we help the High Street?
Well – firstly, have more ‘experience centres’ – where customers can ‘experience’ what they want, take their time and indulge what you have to offer.

A place where they can ask questions freely, talk to people with some serious knowledge – sounding very familiar to the Apple Store!?!
But what if you had a kids play corner? What if there was some ‘attractions’ to divert your attention? What if there was a coffee machine that enticed you to stay longer… become more loyal to the brand/shop.

Thinking differently will help the High Street. Similar to how in the 80’s and 90’s the shopping centres appeared out of town, with ample free parking and huge variety of shops. They’re still popular – but why would I waste my time, to drive out of town, park up, walk into a shop, purchase an item, walk back, drive home….. when I could do it in a few clicks on my phone?
In addition to the experience, it begins to be more personal. More individual. And we’re seeing that in a number of sectors.
Pop-up shops for example. We don’t want the same thing as everyone else…. and that’s the same as our drinking! – look at the number of beers you can get now, different beers, different tastes – and more individualisation!
It’s funny to keep reading about ‘the High Street is Dead’… maybe it is, but how can it be revitalised?! – let’s look at other cities around the world. Let’s learn what other people are doing… and bring some life back to the High Street!