So, I’ve decided to move energy supplier.
Goodbye Eon. For the past 5 years it’s been… well, ok. We got on. You supplied me with my energy. I said thank you and paid you for it. It was good. Until…

So, two things – 1) My Fixed tariff comes to an end and 2) Prices go up next month!
So, naturally – 1) I want to go on a Fixed tariff and 2) keep my bills as low as possible for as long as possible.
Eon – whom are now moving to be known as Eon Next, have a tariff I want but can’t. That’s because I’m an existing Eon customer. I have to wait to be migrated over to Eon Next. Which can take anything up to six months. Something, ideally, I don’t want to do.
So naturally, I went onto to some comparison sites – spoke to some friends – and found another energy supplier with a tariff that works for me!
I rang Eon back. As you would in any relationship. Asking – can you do anything before I move. No, sorry sir, we can’t.
Ok. So rang up the new supplier and initiated the move. Takes 17 days.
Today, I had a call from Eon.
“Hello Mr Bansal, I’m speaking from Eon. We believe you are leaving us, is that righ?”
“Hello, yes – that is correct”
“Can I ask why you are leaving?”
“You can, but it’s all on the notes – I’m sure you’ve read them before calling me, right?”
“No. I haven’t. Can you tell me why you’re leaving?”
“Well, again – I could – but I’ve made a few calls to Eon prior to leaving – so it’s all detailed there”.
“Ok. To log onto your account – will need to run through some personal security questions….”
“No. You’ve rang me. I don’t know who you are. Yes you know I’m leaving you – but that’s it. I’m not giving you any of my personal details.”
“Ok. In that case, Goodbye”.
And the Eon lady hung up the phone.

If I really mattered as a customer – I’m sure, you could’ve easily gone off script, I’m sure you could have easily accessed my account prior to me calling, I’m sure you know that most people are not going to give you/answer security questions when you’ve rang them (due to the number of scams that take place – where people are phishing for information), I’m sure…. there’s a lot more I could add here.
Many businesses will lose customers – and I’ve said it before, use the data you have to talk to the customers – understand their needs and do what you can. Keep your current customers as close as possible as you can to you. It’s these customers that will either talk positively about you… or not.
In this case, if Eon had said, we’ll put you on a priority list and move you as soon as possible – within a month, or something along those lines – I could have potentially stayed.
So, with that… it’s Goodbye Eon.
(Should I be naming them? – Good question… don’t get me wrong, I’m leaving on ok terms – who knows, could get back together one day – I just hope that a) Eon can learn from this, but moreso, b) other companies/organizations learn that your customers/people are the most important element)