Tech Tuesday

Tech Tuesday… EV!

Yes, I know I’ve spoken about Electric Cars before.

Yes, I understand not everyone is in a position to buy an electric car.

Or are they?

We need to reduce emissions. That’s clear. Are electric cars the answer? – well, they’ll help. What will help more is if we walk, bus, rail, etc… now, these options are not always viable. And we need to jump into the car to go somewhere. So what can we do to be more greener?

Well.. to those saying, Bal… these electric cars are expensive! – Yes, I agree. They are, but many are coming down in price. Many have done over the past few years as they’ve got more popular – supply and demand. So with prices coming down, they are beginning to become more affordable.

If you are petrol/diesel right now – I’d suggest a hybrid. (See previous blog post about this topic).

If you’re moving to electric, there’s some great options…

One of the cheapest new electric cars you can get are Skoda CITIGOe-iV. Around the £15,000 mark – it’s perfect for around town driving!

Now, 135 miles you might be thinking… yes. Ok, it’s not alot – but again, it’s perfect for around town. If you want more miles, you’ll need a little bit more money. Now… for a bit more money, you could get an Hyundai Kona or there’s a Chinese alternative;

The Aiways U5 does 210 miles and is from £28,000. Looks half decent too.

Then you can spend a little more… and when you’re in the £30k+ bracket, there’s alot more to choose from.

Prices will come down. There’s second hand electric cars you can also look at. Take the Renault Zoe for example… which you can pick up used for around the £10k mark.

It’s a roomy car that can easily seat four people, although rear passengers do sit higher than normal because the batteries are tucked away under the back seat.

Older models have a 22kWh battery with a real-world range of around 100 miles. More recent ones have a bigger 41kWh battery for 180 miles of driving between charges.

Something important for you to note – initially, the Zoe was available with a separate battery leasing option, which meant you would pay for the battery each month in addition to the cost of the car. This initiative was dropped in 2019, but keep an eye out for used models that come with an additional battery lease cost.

Versions badged ‘i’ include the battery but are generally more expensive to purchase as a result. There is a benefit to leasing the battery, however; if the condition of the battery reduces below a certain point – in turn reducing how far you can travel per charge – Renault will replace the battery for you.

The key thing to remember is the additional cost savings.

Combustion Engine vehicles need servicing and there’s more parts that could fail compared to an electric car. You don’t necessarily need the yearly or every 10k service. Yes, you need to check tyres and other things – but nothing engine related!

And then finally… if you are looking for a used electric car… but you’re budget is under £5k… I’ve found something for you…

Here’s the full description..

Fully working techx model , No road tax , No congestion charge , Air con and touch screen android radio 6 inch screen , Heated seats , Can charge at home from normal plug socket type 2 takes 6 to 7 hours, DC fast charger also CHAdeMO at station, Takes 40 mins, 75 mile range on full charge , Lowest insurance category, £4,300

To be fair, for £4,300… 75 mile range…. you can’t really go wrong for around town driving!

Week in Review

Week 22… 2021!

So here in the UK, we had a slight change in the weather. Meaning, the sun was out! I know… crazy! I say, finally! The weather was lovely for a few days and this morning – we’ve had some light rain – that’s ok, it’s good for the grass!

Anyway, so much has been happening this week… so let’s not waste any more time on the weather and deep dive right into it!

  1. Up first we have Microsoft Windows 11

Microsoft has been teasing a “next generation” of Windows for months now, but new hints suggest the company isn’t just preparing an update to its existing Windows 10 software, but a new, numbered version of the operating system: Windows 11.

The software giant announced a new Windows event for June 24th yesterday, promising to show “what’s next for Windows.” The event invite included an image of what looks like a new Windows logo, with light shining through the window in only two vertical bars, creating an outline that looks very much like the number 11. Microsoft followed up with an animated version of this image, making it clear the company intentionally ignored the horizontal bars

Up next… the future of cars (but not electric!)

2. That’s right… we’re talking 623 miles on a single tank of hydrogen!

Toyota says that if you drive normally, its hydrogen-fuelled Mirai can travel around 400 miles between fill ups. Drive much more carefully, though, and you could go further. Maybe a lot further. 

By doing just that Toyota France has driven a Mirai 623 miles on a lone 5.6kg tank of hydrogen, thereby breaking the Hyundai Nexo’s existing record for the longest distance travelled by a hydrogen-fuelled vehicle on a single tank by a whopping 72 miles. 

The company says the unmodified Mirai covered 623 miles, or 1,003km, on public roads south of Paris in the Loir-et-Cher and Indre-et-Loire regions of France. The distance covered and consumption, rated at 0.55kg of hydrogen per 100km, have been independently certified. 

Hydrogen cars are being marketed as an emissions-free alternative to petrol, and – if the hydrogen is produced with only renewable energy – that’s true, and in fact, is probably better for the environment than EVs.

But there are two ways to create hydrogen. The first involves mixing fossil fuels and water, which releases significant CO2 emissions. The second uses a large amount of electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. If this power comes from wind or solar sources then we are sitting pretty, but if it’s taken from the regular grid then you run into the same problems as charging your EV at home. Fossil fuels are still involved, just less visibly. But for some – it’s not all fossil fuels, there’s also sun, wind, etc… that can help you power your car.

So there we have it… Window 11 and Hydrogen cars travelling 623 miles on a single tank.

I’m not sure which is more exciting… to be honest, I’m not excited by either of these (smiley face). And I’ll tell you why…

Whilst Microsoft are bringing out Windows 11, and it’ll have lots of great new features – what will it bring that, people say wow. Do we really need windows? (Apple Mac users need not answer). I mean, we have apps for virtually everything. And of course, there’s a decline in laptop/computer sales.

And then the hydrogen cars. It’s taking a while for the electric charging points to be installed but the infrastructure is slowly getting there and there’s a lot of positive signs. To start building a hydrogen infrastructure will take a lot longer also!

Either way – Windows ‘most of us’ need, and as for the future of cars…. this is so interesting because we also have in the mix, self-driving capabilities, etc…

Week in Review

What a year… so far!

Wow… Can’t believe it. Only a week (and a bit) into 2021, and so much to talk about.

Let’s put aside everything that happened at Capitol Hill… (and the actions of Trump), and the vaccination roll out in the UK… (which is good), however this new strain of Covid isn’t…

And focus on a couple of things that have also hit the headlines.

  1. Elon Musk. Richest man in the World. Took over from Jeff (Amazon ) Bezos. Two reasons why I like this news… Firstly, he’s done well with Tesla, SpaceX and his other ventures – he’s truly believed in them and continued to pursue them! and secondly, he actively reached out to folk to ask how he can donate his money and/or put it to good humanitarian use!
  2. Hyundai and Apple. Getting together. To build an Electric Car… Apple have been trying for a while to get this project running, however, they’ve realised they need someone who has got the knowledge on cars. Step up Hyundai. They are doing very well at the moment. And when they announced they’re working with Apple, share price rose 20%! Why do I like this bit of news… well, it provides us options other than Tesla and a few others… and it shows you can’t do everything on your own, if you need help – ask for it! (no shame in asking for support).

I was thinking about replacing my Friday Thought with a round up, or at least 2 bits of tech/interesting news… however, I’ve been asked to keep the Friday Thought… so will slot this in elsewhere into the week!

Which takes me to my last point… what will 2021 bring?! We can clearly see the decrease in car sales (overall) however, the gap between sales of electric and combustion engine are closing in – meaning more electric cars are bring sold. Norway, however (with it’s Government grants, etc..) are the first country to sell more electric cars than petrol/diesel! (Well done Norway!)

Well, we’re on a lockdown for early part of 2021, and I don’t see much changing till Spring/Summer… which means, alot more homeworking, less travel and more hobbies? – of which, we all saw a number of people who took up their passions/hobbies and turned them into businesses! (which is great!) – some of you reading this and who follow me on social media, will know I joined the trend of baking. But with a slight twist, of doing vegan/eggless cakes. They came out quite tasty (not me just saying that!), and I started taking photos, sharing them on Instagram (@balsbakery), and started to get orders in! Been selling cakes, however – it’s probably something I won’t scale up into a business (just yet!) due to time…

So I’ll wrap up this Sunday Blog post with a few thoughts… 1. If you’ve got a passion, pursue it! and 2. This year, we’ll see a bigger shift towards more sustainable/environmentally friendly products (including cars).

Car Technology

Should I buy an Electric Car?

During the month of February, I’ll be talking about the subject of Cars… to be a little more specific – technology and cars. Because let’s be honest, technology has rapidly advanced in cars over the recent years.

That’s right – the shift from the traditional diesel and petrol cars (which is on the decline) to hybrid and fully electric vehicles (which are on the increase!). So the question is… should I buy an electric car?

Well… it was my brother who asked me questions about my hybrid a few weeks ago. He needed to replace his car… and naturally, I did suggest a hybrid.

Now… it does depend on a number of factors – such as what kind of driving do you do, distance, motorway/town driving, where you live (charging points), etc…

Someone who is up and down the motorway, may still be better off with a diesel (dare I say it!). You have to take into account the mpg (miles per gallon). Diesel still provide good value in the miles you can get from the gallon on long distance journeys. This was backed by Gottfried… a colleague who informed me that he’s getting a new 320d (BMW)… because, from where he lives (in Berlin), he drives a very long distance to his second/holiday home and if he had electric or hybrid, he’d need to charge it on the way – and not sure of charging points. A diesel gives you not only good economy but also a very good range (I remember my old diesel giving 600+miles on a tank!)

So back to the question – should you buy an electric car? – In my opinion, it’s a great time to be alive!

We are at a pivot. There’s more and more charging points being installed. There’s more and more cars that need charging being sold. There’s more and more garages and technicians being trained to service electric/hybrid cars.

Personally – I’d thoroughly recommend a hybrid. Part electric. Part combustion engine.


  1. It’s a ‘safe’ transition to the world of electric driving! – you’ll have a battery but also an engine. It’s like riding a bike with the stabilizers. If you think you’re going to fall (or run out of battery power) it’s ok… the side wheels stop you and keep your balance (similar, the engine will kick in – and save you…. assuming you’d put some petrol in!)
  2. New laws coming in soon (2035) which put a ban on only petrol or diesel engines being produced. Yes, i know it’s only a few years away… but time flies… and isn’t it a great time to start thinking about going electric.
  3. You’ll be surprised – it’s cheaper to charge an electric car, they’re much kinder to the environment and most importantly, it’s your first step… maybe… to a fully electric car.

Most people won’t go for a full electric car because of the mile range (most do around 250 miles – yes, some can do a little more…). This will change over the coming years, as manufacturers are working on longer range batteries.

Again – does depend on your driving needs. If you just drive around town/local driving… then I’d say yes… buy an electric car!

And to charge your car… there’s apps available on your phone to let you know where charging points are!

Electric vehicle changing on street parking with graphical user interface, Future EV car concept

And if plugging in your car may seem a chore… wait for wireless charging pods… where you drive your car into a space with a wireless charger built into the ground!