Well, first and foremost – I hope you all had a great Easter break.
Now, I appreciate, I have many readers from around the World, and not everyone celebrates Easter – but I’m living in England and we do.
Whilst on the whole, it was thoroughly enjoyable with the hot weather… there was one small problem I found… .that I’d have a million emails when I log back in when I’m back at work.
Now… being honest, we’re never away from work – are we? – we’re always connected. Mobile phone in hand… we will receive notifications of when we get an email (Yes – I do turn my notifications off whilst I’m on ‘holiday’)

However – you do see the number next to the icon (if you’re on iOS) just increasing all the time.
But can we move away from Email… the answer is Yes!
How’s that Bal?
Well… some people are saying, that email is dead. Technically, and if you ask me – it’s not dead… but is dying.
Because we have so many other ways to communicate.
WhatsApp for example.

It’s quicker. It’s easier. You can have groups. You can send attachments….
There’s so much going for WhatsApp – that it makes a variable alternative.
But there’s not only WhatsApp – there’s other tools as well…. for example Slack.

I do like Slack. You can create channels – have people invited to collaborate on certain topics… share files (attachments), and do so much more.
Then there’s other tools based around projects, based around events, etc…
So that’s why, I think email is dying…. we haven’t got the attention span – well, I say we, it’s these young folk! – Millenials have an attention span of 12 seconds!
It’s even disappointing with the Gen Z…. 8 seconds.