You may recall…. that recently, I wrote and shared about Samsung’s folding phone.
Well.. guess what. That’s right, Huawei have released their folding phone!
After 3 years of development, they presented the Huawei Mate X

Now… the interesting thing is – it’s better than the Samsung!
How’s that Bal? –
Well, firstly – it closes completely flat. Something the Samsung doesn’t.. (Mate X is 11mm compared to Samsung’s 17mm)

Secondly, it’s slightly bigger than the Samsung phone… 8inches when unfolded and 6.8in when closed (that’s the larger model).

Thirdly – it’s 5G ready.
So… who else will be developing foldable phones?
I’m sure Apple, Google and other makers will be looking at how customers react. The biggest issue at the moment (in my opinion) is the cost.
They’re not cheap.
In fact. They’re expensive. Mate X is around £2,000 – and will go on sale in the middle of this year.
There will be people who buy this – and why not. It’s a tablet. It’s a phone. It potentially replaces two of your devices into one. And I think it could catch on. I can see, in the future, this technology being more readily available and most importantly, more people buying it.
Would I buy one? – only if you could flip it out like the old Motorola Flip phones! – don’t know what they are… I’ll let you google it.