Throwback Thursday

Think Lean… Process First

Recently, I was asked – why is my blog called, ‘Think Lean, Get Digital’?

The simple answer is – as an organization, a company, whatever you might be – think of the process first – get that lean (for example – remove all the fat, the waste, the crap) and then focus on utilizing more digital technologies to further lean the process or improve the user experience.

We often navigate away from the process, and jump to either sale, solution or the end of the process – because that’s the fun part. Let’s be honest… no one wants to know about raw materials, who really cares about transportation etc… (well, if you’re into logistics then yes! as it’ll be the most important part).

Many organizations do not think about their processes. Processes to one side – how many know their value stream map (this is a map that shows an overall picture and where the value (and non-value) activities are).

Before even thinking about Digital Transformation – it’s important that the process is understood. The key objective is to reduce the overall lead time – from the moment an enquiry is made or a customer wants to purchase a product/service to the moment it’s delivered and paid for.

Everything starts with Value.

Again, this could relate to your startup, your hobby, your passion.

Over the lockdown last year – like many other millions of people in the UK, I started baking. Whilst I thought, everyone is baking – what can I do different (or slightly different) I started to bake vegan and eggless cakes. Moreso, what became a ‘top seller’ were my vegan or eggless cookies.

There’s a variety of reasons people don’t eat eggs – many for religious purposes. In addition, many more are becoming vegan.

So I baked various vegan cookies – and then in my Creative Lab (the kitchen) I experimented with Kit Kat Cookies, Coconut Cookies, etc… and they were good! (that’s not me saying that – that’s customers!)

Again – comes back to value.

Baking in the kitchen is small. Yet – I was able to adhere to the Lean Principles. I had a process in place. My recipe was my process!

So even if you are a small business, a large organization, a charity or service provider – first understand your process and make it Lean (remove the waste!)

Oh.. and I couldn’t leave you without sharing a photo of my cookies, right?

Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday… with my friend, Amir Khan.

Usually, I do my ‘Throwback Thursdays’… on the first Thursday of the month. However, next Thursday… (3rd May)… is my birthday, so I won’t be publishing anything on  my blog, as i’ll be taking the day off…

So, Bal… you’re now going to tell me, you’re friends with the boxer Amir Khan and want to share a conversation or two, you’ve had with him?

Yep 🙂


Back to a time, when I was at Amir’s gym in Bolton. Sitting in the ring, talking about boxing, cars and other things… but I don’t want to share all that… what I want to share is, how he’s taken time out, re-focused and come back!

Couple of things I wanted to relate what’s been happening with Amir and the business world.

  1. Things not really happening…

We know, it’s been a while since Amir had a fight. Good fight. And won it convincingly. And there’s a number of reasons for that…. there’s been a lot in the press about him… his family… his wife…. etc… and he sent tweets, which, maybe he shouldn’t have.

You could say, it’s been a difficult time.

Relating to business – this can happen. When things aren’t going your way. Customers leaving, business not going well… you, as the main person are not in the right frame of mind…. etc… so what do you do? – sometimes you need a break. Sometimes, you need to gather your thoughts. Go do something different. Go into the ‘jungle’… steal some strawberries and make new friends.

2. It’s all about the People

Amir has a new promoter. New trainer. And this has given him a new lease of life. He’s even said in an interview recently, how he’s doing things he didn’t know… or was not aware previously… he’s feeling refreshed.

Same in business. Have you got the right trainer? – I’ve spoken about mentors… Have you got the diversity in the team to make you think differently and/or get you doing things you hadn’t known or were previously aware of.

These are my main two points I wanted to share… from watching and seeing what Amir has been doing for a few years…

… wouldn’t it be great, for him… to have a match with Brook! Who knows… if he beats him, who could he face next?! – is he back… being bigger and better than before?