Old Tech

Why you should take a break… from tech.

Strange one, this one.

Yep… I’m actually telling you, that you should take a break from technology.

There’s a few reasons why… but the biggest one is, whilst tech is great in whatever format it’s utilised, remember that it’s you who should be the focus – not the tech. Make the tech work for you and don’t you be a slave to the tech.

What do you mean Bal? Should I give up on all new tech stuff?

No, far from it. Do a quick analysis… let’s start with your phone. How many apps do you have?

Now… how many of those apps do you actually use? – and then, what do you use them for? and how long do you spend on those apps?

Once you have that information – honestly tell me you’re productive on those apps, or they help you mentally or physcially or that they’re enhacing your life (in some form or another)?

We’re slowly wasting hours and hours scrolling through tik tok videos.
We’re slowly wasting hours looking at various social media posts. We’re slowly wasting our time attached to various gadgets (smart watches – have I done my steps?!) and others.

What we need is a break.

Take a Tech Break. And have a kit-kat. (Or another chocolate)

The concern I have is we’re moving away from what we want to do and our thinking is quickly influenced by what we see.

It used to be like in the old days… with newspapers. They’d influence our thoughts – depending on what paper you read.

Social media does that today.

But take other technology…. for example, the other day, I saw some small gadget that you can place on the ankle of your Under 10’s football team and see how fast they run, what they do… track all their movement. You can use this device on older kids also. For me… I wasn’t impressed. In my very first FA coaching course, they said… the number one rule of football should be that they enjoy it.

How can you enjoy it if you’re being tracked with some technology. Then analysed. Then being told you should do this and that. Whilst I understand that kind of technology is important in top tier professional football games where it’s run like a business, it shouldn’t be for smaller younger clubs. Kids should enjoy just running around. Kick that ball. And slowly progress. Have fun. That’s the key thing.

Go and have a water fight.

Go and have a cup of coffee with a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while and put all your devices away.

Go and explore the outdoors.

I’m not saying ban tech. Far from it. Just take a break. Just use it wisely. Use it so it benefits you.

I watch YouTube videos on people polishing their cars. I like to polish my car. So I learn. I’ll use technology to help me advance.

It’s not entirely our fault. It’s become so easy now… pick up the phone and boom! notifications, information, etc… look around, people will be talking about the latest tik tok dance or the latest something that someone posted somewhere.

Yes, it’s fine to have a quick look – but remember… technology should work for you.