It’s been a few weeks, since I shared that I was on the local Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) committee, as the Youth and Community Officer. I’ll still be honest, not something I wanted to do, but once I said yes… it was full steam ahead. And I’ll be sharing my progress here – I’ll put it under the category YCO!
So… with the mindset I have, I asked the sangat (folk who attend the Gurdwara), if they had any ideas to increase community engagement and/or help with the youth who attend. Lots of great ideas… but also, comments and ‘things’ they want fixed.
It’s great – looking forward, but sometimes, you need to fix what you have before you can move forward.
Let me give you an example. There’s a projector and screen in the main hall. And it’s not worked for several years. Many want it to work. They want to read the hymns. It’s these small things. So, I enquired. It’s all run from a laptop (so this is on my list of ‘things to do’ – get the laptop running, make sure the screen works and hook it all back up!)
BAU – Business As Usual. (in the below Horizon 1)

(Yes – I did have to put a technology spin on this).
So whilst we are on the Horizon 1 (BAU), there’s an element of the Horizon 2 and 3 – looking to the future, and more importantly being aware of the disruption points.
And bringing this back to the Gurdwara.
So I’ve started doing some basics… such as, taking over their social media.
I started an Instagram Account and started to post more on their Facebook account.
The results…
253% Increase in Post Reach!
189% Increase in Post engagements.
19% Increase in New Page Likes.
It’s all about the engagement. More photo’s. More videos.
Instagram is growing also – with 182 accounts reached in the past 30 days!
You have to start somewhere.
Next up… (my recommendations) are… a website. Whilst I face many challenges to digitise the ways of working – we are definitely headed in the right direction. I’d also like to say Thank You – to all those who reached out to me, supported me, offered me advice and shared contacts of those who’ve been on a similar journey. It’s much appreciated.
So in summary, there’s 2 things…
- Get Started – I took over the social media and had an impact. It’s great talking… it’s better doing!
- Remember the 3 Horizons… and make sure you’re not on the H1 Trajectory for a long time, because H2 and H3 will take over…. It’s important to fix the basics but then move onto more innovative solutions, where possible.