
Are you like Ford or Rolls Royce?

I like cars. From my various Insta posts and Tweets… you may have noticed, I like cars. Fortunately, I have a new BMW… one of those new electric, 5 series.

Now, I do believe in ‘Progress over Perfection’. BMW have done a wonderful job in developing this car. This hybrid car. Part battery – part petrol engine. Definitely a step in the right direction to fully electric cars… like the i3 and i8 that is in the BMW range.

So this got me thinking – are businesses working with a similar mindset?

Every business is different. Every Organisation is different. Why? – because of what their customers want and what their customers expect.

For example, let’s take Rolls Royce… they’ve taken a while to bring out their 4×4 vehicle…

As the statement says – years of development… they are almost ready to launch the first Rolls Royce SUV.

Rolls Royce customers expect something that is of extremely high quality. Something that is very reliable and something that is worth the money they are paying for.

Let’s take Ford on the other hand…. Henry Ford (remember) wanted to bring down the cost of car ownership… and it’s very much, you could say, progress over perfection – which is absolutely fine.

Above shows the great progress Ford have made with the Focus car. Admittley, the first photo is a long time ago… but look at the serious development they’ve made.

And this is fine – you could get a new model, every few years – or when a new revised model, is released.

You could also think of it in terms of Whiskey and Beer.

Beer can be produced quicker than Whiskey. But then, beer can be consumed quicker… than whiskey. Whiskey drinkers take their time, enjoy it on the rocks, mix it… etc… where as beer… is well, beer. (Indeed, there’s craft beer… but the same principles apply).

But isn’t there a middle-ground, Bal?

Yes, yes there is!

It all depends on your customers, and what they want. Also, what you’re delivering.

Take BMW… and their new BMW 8 Series. The old one went out of production some time ago… and they’ve been developing, working… on a new one. And they’ve done a great job, by building some hype around it.

Once again, the people buying the 8 series, are not the type of people necessarily buying the 3 or 5 series.

And this is the point… understand your customers expectations and deliver accordingly. If anything… exceed, if possible, expectations. But only… if you’re able to. Otherwise, you may over-promise… and under-deliver.