
Avocados and Travelling…

The workforce is changing.

We have old people. We have young people. And just on that diversity – there’s a lot of different expectations.

I recently saw a tweet, which made me laugh – it summarised the Millennial expectations & how they think perfectly!

Point 3 for me was the best!

So, who are these ‘Millennials’, Bal?

Well… the best way to inform you – is by a picture.

A point to highlight here is – 75% of the workshop by 2030 will be Millennials.

But Bal… what makes them different from the previous Generation?

There’s a couple of key things…

1. Social Media & the Internet

This is a generation that’s grown up with the internet. Everything is… and should be available instantly…. be it retrieving information, or being able to share content.

2. Not just 9 til 5

Gen X has always been about, going into work… be there for 9. Work through the day, be it the office, factory or where ever they work. Finish at 5, come home… rest & then repeat. This doesn’t work for the Millennials. They want to be able to work when they want, where they want and how they want.

3. Sharing is Caring

The Millennials sure do like to share. More team orientated. More achievement orientated. More outcome focused. Not ones to keep information to themselves – but share that information and see what others can do to collaborate and make it something even better.

This is one of the reasons why we have seen so many startups. So many successful organisations appear and be so dominant. Because of new thinking – but also the new ways of working.

For existing corporations, companies and organisations – it’s important to adapt. Remember Darwin’s saying….. It’s not the strongest that survive, but those that are most adaptable to change.

So what do you do then? – simple… hire some millennials and learn from them… on what you can start to do – in adapting the organization/company for the future.

2 replies on “Avocados and Travelling…”

Data & Digital I Technology Strategy & Enterprise Architecture I Data Driven Business Transformation

I quote Sir Isaac Newton, “standing on the shoulders of giants” to discover truth by building on previous discoveries. In the same way, Millennials are building or hopefully build on the work done by previous generations. The basic but differentiating skills of mankind are being curious, having a consciousness and dedicated for a cause. That’s why we landed on Moon or finding cure for diseases. Millennials can wear tore jeans or eat avocados or work by dialling from a rainforest, success only comes to those who are able to push the boundaries for good and common causes to create new possibilities.

Absolutely! – Totally agreee…. but the pressure is less on their shoulders which enables them to explore additional avenues and build on what’s been built.

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