Last night – Apple held their annual conference where they basically announce all the new things that are being released.
Now, I will share the whole video link below but I wanted to give my top 3 takeaways from the conference….
1. Dance towards your fitness goal

Now, on those Saturday nights… when I’m dancing away and doing some Bhangra… it’ll all be registered and count towards my fitness goal!

How awesome is that! And about time too…..!
2. As you may know I love my cars…. and soon will not need my car keys! That’s right…. using NFC (Near Field Communication) I can in the future unlock my new car from my phone!! In addition – I can give others access to my car also.

Once in, you place the phone in the charging bay, and then off you go in your car….. will be first available on the new BMW 5 series.
3. AirPods Pro Will now give you a cinema type of experience!

The sound will be so awesome – you’ll think you’re in a cinema when you’re on the bus! It’s designed in such a way, that you’ll hear the sounds and noises around you as and when they are meant to be.
So there you go, my top three…. now there’s much more that’s coming like scribble…

… but the best thing is you don’t have long to wait!

And here’s the link as promised…