Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

I remember… a few years ago… sat on the beach…. in Majorca… reading the book… The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck…. one of my favourite books….. of all time.

We all worry. And these are worrying times. Indeed.

But worrying does not achieve anything. This is easier said than done. It’s a mindset change. To change your thinking. From worrying to a ‘f*ck it’ thinking. What’s the worse that could happen… kind of thinking is needed. Then draw up a plan – and take action.

Obviously.. stay legal and safe. But take your worries…. and change your mindset. Change your thinking. Again – it’s not easy, and you need the right people around you. And, off course… it takes time.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

I was working at Kodak… and my Sensei, Mark Chamberlain took me to a production/manufacturing room that was full of boxes, film, etc…

He asked me, ‘Young Grasshopper… what do you see?’

I said… ‘boxes, rolls of film… Conveyor… everything seems to be working ok to me’.

He didn’t say anything to me. We just left. Anyway, I joined the ‘Lean’ team… and was part of lots of activity, projects, etc… I learnt a lot you could say.

After about a year. He took me to that same room again.

He said, ‘what do you see?’

I replied… ‘well, I see a lot of waste. I see that they could optimise the conveyor by moving it to the left, that’ll give more space to the operators. Also, I see no visual indicators – can’t see any colour coding for the boxes, there’s no indication to when they have to leave…’ he stopped me. Smiled and said nothing. And we left the room.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

There’s so many people I knew, when I was younger, who worked 9 til 5, 5 days a week… for all of their. Until retirement.

I always, from a young age… thought that was crazy! Imagine 40+ years… doing the same thing… maybe a little variety… for such a long time! Well… it works for some! Some like that life. And maybe, they are happy with it, and that’s absolutely fine!

For me however… I like to keep learning. Keep pushing…. Keep editing,

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

It’s been a tough week… I won’t go into it all here, but sharing the below as my Friday Thought.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

How crazy are you? Ok… let me re-phrase, how much self-believe do you have? – I’ll be honest, there’s times when I have little self-belief…. but then I re-programme myself and think differently. Not easy for sure… but there’ll be situations, occurrences, times… in your life that should enable you to believe you can do anything in life.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

So, Firstly… Happy Good Friday! Hope you have a lovely Easter under the current circumstances.

Last week, I had a message – regarding my Friday Thought. I was asked if there was something going on, or if there was something I’m planning… As my recent Friday thoughts have had a similar theme.

I’ll be honest – Yes and No. No… there is nothing I’m planning. Yes… there is always something (when I say something, Ideas) that are always going on in my mind. I’ll be honest, I write them all down, and only execute on some of them. However, I’ll save that for another blog post…. For today, remember… Passion – Pleasure – Perfection.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

What is your passion? Do you know what your purpose is?

Sometimes, it can be difficult to figure it out…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Whilst we’re all (well, most of us in the World) are under some sort of ‘lockdown’, I’m sure many of us are thinking… what can we do?!

Well… I’m sure we’ve all had an idea at some point or another, but either not had the time or the money… or another excuse to put it into motion.

Well…. why not start small (i.e. no money)… and you now have time! Take some motivation form my Friday Thought image… these guys started in their garages, sheds…. and look what happened…. All you need, is a little bit of space, time and some motivation…….

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Well… this week has been a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions.

I won’t go into the reasons why… just a variety of things going on. A lot which, I’ve been slightly disappointed with…but you know what, it’s me who’s in control of my destiny.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

We should always be in ‘learning’ mode. Learning new things, developing new habits and ways of working, bettering ourselves and our communities.

Why? – Because the world is changing. Rapidly, due to technology, advancing… due to issues we are facing – we need to make changes to our lifestyles.

This applies both – in our personal life. And work life.