Remember I wrote (a while back) that Dyson (yep…. the ones who make the vacuum cleaners) are making an electric car… well, they’ve decided to park it… but before totally leaving it, they’ve shared some information and images.
Dyson revealed that his electric vehicle, codenamed “N526,” would have been a seven-seater with a whopping 600-mile range per charge.
This was largely thanks to the company’s proprietary solid-state batteries, which could apparently sustain such performance “even on a freezing February night, on the naughty side of 70MPH on the motorway, with the heater on and the radio at full blast.”
The car could go from zero to 62MPH in 4.8 seconds (about half a second more than the long-range Model X), with its top speed apparently reaching 125MPH (30MPH shy of the Model X’s). This is all coming from the twin 200kW electric motors rated with 536BHP.
Dyson told The Times that this project ended up costing £500 million of his own money before he put a stop to it. Unlike other traditional car brands, Dyson doesn’t have a fleet of profitable gasoline cars and diesel cars to offset the “huge losses” on every electric vehicle made — each Dyson electric car would have needed to make £150,000 to break even, according to the entrepreneur.
So it’s all parked for the moment – but the ideas keep coming and Dyson has said his team are working on a number of other projects and open for collaboration. Have you got an idea?….
In a recent survey, 71 percent of those surveyed said that they didn’t feel they received enough information about in-car tech when they took delivery, while a quarter said that they didn’t get enough information at all.
Admittedly – over the past few years, there’s been alot of tech… and I mean alot… appearing in our cars!
From Self-driving features… to the Sat Nav letting you know a route that is either the quickest, most fuel efficient or cheapest (avoiding tolls).
In addition, the survey said – one fifth of drivers (20 percent) of drivers said they use less than half of the features in their cars, while a further 10% said they understood only some of the features and just drive their cars.
So what should you do?
Well, firstly… when you take delivery of your car (new) or purchase it (second-hand)… ask!
Ask about the main features, what the car has and what it can do. YouTube is always a good source of information about your car and it’s technology.
Go to the Dealer! – that’s another option. They now have experts who help individuals to understand their cars… this could include downloading an app (that controls features on your car), or other certain features your car may have.
Whilst the features grow… the screens get bigger…
… keeping up can be a task! So refer to the handbook, ask the dealership or phone a friend.
Don’t be afraid of the technology – it’s their to help and support you, to provide you with a better driving experience. And let’s be honest… it’s only going to get more technologically advanced when the cars can fully drive themselves!
A few weeks ago, I wrote about self driving cars – and how GM have invested heavily into them (in the US) and how they reminded me of the pods they have at Terminal 5 Heathrow parking.
I honestly do think – self driving cars will be the norm and will be coming very soon. What does that mean for you and me….?
Well… for the congested towns and city centres – it’ll be great. I don’t think they’ll be everywhere, because those who live in villages and outside the main cities… they’ll need their cars to get them places. But even then… most of those cars, will be able to self drive… through their connectivity (which I spoke about on Monday) and through the number of sensors they’ll have!
Waymo is a self driving car that’s currently being tested…
Do we need self driving cars, Bal?
Technically, no. But like everything – there’s so many positives to having this technology.
Safety. All the self driving cars that have been tested to date have been safer and less likely to be involved in an incident compared to a human behind the wheel. This is because, of the number of sensors that are able to pick up things and predict what could happen. Rather than having 2 eyes on the road… you have many many more!
Cost. This does depend on the amount you use a car – but honestly, if it’s able to take you somewhere you want to go without you being behind the wheel (and they’re self driving), it’ll find the most economical way to get you there – that’s both, using the maps/sat nav but also speed/efficiency driving behaviours!
Tesla have the self driving feature.
Many other manufacturers have various forms of technology to aid the driver… but remember, no matter what feature you have, until we have the true self driving car – please do not attempt to read a book at the wheel…
Last week it was super cold! – but it’s ok… my car was nice and warm when I got to it…
How’s that, Bal?
Well… my car is connected. And through this connection, and via the app – I could select an option that heats the car! How. Awesome. Is. That?
More and more cars are becoming connected. Allowing options like heating, etc… a norm. I remember a few years ago, when I was in Atlanta, with my friend Wes… we jumped into his car (it is a mahoosive one!) and he pressed a button, went to a call centre… Wes then said he wanted to go somewhere… and the information (directions) were sent to his sat nav in the car and off we went!
Cars are clever. And becoming even more clever. There’s so much data that your car produces – and there’s so much your car learns about you… which will then give you the experience you’ll love!
Whilst cars become more clever… they’ll also be talking. Talking to dealerships. Talking to the manufacturers. Talking to those who sign up to get their hands on the data!… (insurance companies?)
We are living in a connected world. Look around you, everything is connected and there’s vast amounts of data being sent back and forth. Don’t forget, Data is the new Oil!…. and whilst I said this on stage at an event in Toronto last July…. it was non other than Sir Tim Berners Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web) who approached me afterwards and said… whilst data is the new oil, just remember… oil can’t be re-used, whilst data can.
This did get me thinking… wow! This means data is even more valuable than oil!
Back to connected cars – so this data, that your car is collecting about you, your driving, your destinations, your habits… will be stored by someone (manufacture maybe) and then sold to various companies…. now, the optimistic in me will say… being sold so my experience can be much better… the pessimistic will say… being sold so companies can make more money.
Either way… this is stage 1 of connected car. The next stage will be the self driving cars… with more data being transmitted…. through the connected car.
Ok…. who remembers the big bad boy motor, also known as the Hummer?
What a classic! That’s right – these beasts were massive!!! I don’t remember seeing too many on the British streets, well… let’s be honest… the streets are too small for a massive vehicle like this! But in the US and everywhere else (where they have larger streets) you could see them…
Now… as you can guess, they were heavy on the fuel… big and that’s about it! (You know you still wanted one!)
Times are changing… in my last blog post, I spoke about if you should get an electric car.
Couple of questions I got were – ‘….but Bal, I like the traditional big cars, with the big V8’s…’, and also, questions like… ‘Bal, I’d got for a hybrid or full electric if it didn’t look like a Prius!’.
I hear ya. I do… and so do General Motors (GM) – the makers of the Hummer…. and even they are embracing the electric car revolution!
That’s right – there’s going to be an ELECTRIC HUMMER!!!
Over on their website… they shared some impressive stats…
0-60 in 3 SECONDS!!!!
Oh MY!!!!!!
Personally, I can’t wait. And here’s your answer to a Prius!
So… still thinking if you should go electric? Definitely start thinking about it.
GM pulled out a commercial about the new Hummer…
But personally… still don’t think it’ll get down our British streets!
During the month of February, I’ll be talking about the subject of Cars… to be a little more specific – technology and cars. Because let’s be honest, technology has rapidly advanced in cars over the recent years.
That’s right – the shift from the traditional diesel and petrol cars (which is on the decline) to hybrid and fully electric vehicles (which are on the increase!). So the question is… should I buy an electric car?
Well… it was my brother who asked me questions about my hybrid a few weeks ago. He needed to replace his car… and naturally, I did suggest a hybrid.
Now… it does depend on a number of factors – such as what kind of driving do you do, distance, motorway/town driving, where you live (charging points), etc…
Someone who is up and down the motorway, may still be better off with a diesel (dare I say it!). You have to take into account the mpg (miles per gallon). Diesel still provide good value in the miles you can get from the gallon on long distance journeys. This was backed by Gottfried… a colleague who informed me that he’s getting a new 320d (BMW)… because, from where he lives (in Berlin), he drives a very long distance to his second/holiday home and if he had electric or hybrid, he’d need to charge it on the way – and not sure of charging points. A diesel gives you not only good economy but also a very good range (I remember my old diesel giving 600+miles on a tank!)
So back to the question – should you buy an electric car? – In my opinion, it’s a great time to be alive!
We are at a pivot. There’s more and more charging points being installed. There’s more and more cars that need charging being sold. There’s more and more garages and technicians being trained to service electric/hybrid cars.
Personally – I’d thoroughly recommend a hybrid. Part electric. Part combustion engine.
It’s a ‘safe’ transition to the world of electric driving! – you’ll have a battery but also an engine. It’s like riding a bike with the stabilizers. If you think you’re going to fall (or run out of battery power) it’s ok… the side wheels stop you and keep your balance (similar, the engine will kick in – and save you…. assuming you’d put some petrol in!)
New laws coming in soon (2035) which put a ban on only petrol or diesel engines being produced. Yes, i know it’s only a few years away… but time flies… and isn’t it a great time to start thinking about going electric.
You’ll be surprised – it’s cheaper to charge an electric car, they’re much kinder to the environment and most importantly, it’s your first step… maybe… to a fully electric car.
Most people won’t go for a full electric car because of the mile range (most do around 250 miles – yes, some can do a little more…). This will change over the coming years, as manufacturers are working on longer range batteries.
Again – does depend on your driving needs. If you just drive around town/local driving… then I’d say yes… buy an electric car!
And to charge your car… there’s apps available on your phone to let you know where charging points are!
Electric vehicle changing on street parking with graphical user interface, Future EV car concept
And if plugging in your car may seem a chore… wait for wireless charging pods… where you drive your car into a space with a wireless charger built into the ground!