
FMCG – Connectivity (IoT)

So, I was recently asked to write an article around how FMCG organisations are handling the latest advancements in technology, and what could the future hold.

My thoughts were broken into 2 categories, first one was Connectivity – everything around IoT (Internet of Things), and second one was Health and Wellbeing.

I thought i’d share the Connectivity one with you…

Connectivity – The Internet of Things is rapidly becoming more ingrained into our day to day lives. Technology enabling appliances to talk to each other, from washing machines to cookers, they’ll all have the ability to communicate to reduce time spent waiting and/or optimise processing time.

We’ll see more of this in the next few years, not only with appliances talking to each other, and our calendars and diaries letting the local supermarket know we’re having a party on the weekend and to add 2 extra bottles of Coca-Cola to the shopping basket and have it all delivered on Saturday at 5.30pm as I’ll be home from the football match at the City Ground, oh for which Coca-Cola sent me a coupon to get a Coke Zero at the stadium.

Business to Businesses are already talking to each other. Using something similar to the Amazon Dash, press a button and the signal is sent – I need more. This reduces and eliminates a number of process steps. Imagine, you’re the owner of a store, you notice an increase in sales and need more Coke Zero. What do you do? You press the button – then (depending who’s it connected to) they are alerted and you receive more Coke Zero. It’s all about staying connected. Staying alert. Staying ahead of the game. Even if at the game you are losing 21-3 at half time, there’s always an opportunity to win.