
From Bedroom to £2m turnover…

You’ll see quotes and hear about how people made a simple yoghurt into a million dollar business… or how someone made a fortune from selling nuts in a box. Sounds easy, right?

Well, it’s not.

You need a) passion and b) some serious commitment to make it work.

My good friend, Gurdeep…. decided one day, he’d had enough working for someone else, so him and his brother… set up shop from their bedroom!

That’s right – they wanted to have their own business.

Now, the great bit is, several years later… they’re on course to turnover £2m. Fantastic news. Indeed… but it hasn’t been plain sailing.

There’s been some up’s and downs on their journey, more downs than up’s at times… coming to a point of quitting and ‘getting a normal day job’.

But this is where my second point, about having some serious commitment – comes into play. You will have all sorts thrown at you, but you need to keep going.

Now, as 2 Red – the name of his company – continues to grow, he’s branching out, looking at other opportunities and most importantly… meets up with me, for a Nando’s to discuss, what else he could do. And you know what, i’m happy to share thoughts, ideas and what I think could help his business grow over some peri peri chicken.

What advice would he give to people thinking of setting their own business?

Here’s his top 3 tips…

1. Have a clear vision of what you want to achieve

2. Thoroughly research and understand the market you are going into

3. Stay focussed on your goals and don’t worry about competitors.

Some good tips there. And I totally agree with them. Now to see the main man in action – well, not in action literally, but to watch a little video of them (it was filmed by someone else – so it centres on staffing and skills, but the key messages are there… how they started, how well they’re doing now… and most importantly, if you need a boiler, who you can contact).

Link is below to the 2 Red Linkedin Page, where the video is shared…