
Happy New Year 2018!

First and foremost, I would like to wish you all a very, Happy New Year!

I really do hope, that 2018 brings you a wealth of joy and happiness.

I’ve made plans for 2018 – broken them down into months… and will be doing more with my blog. Firstly, videos! – I know… been talking about them for a while, but I have one prepared- about electric cars… and will be sharing it very soon.

I’ll continue to share my frustrations that I notice and see with processes, people and organisations.

I’ll also continue to share my insights into the latest technology trends, and how they’ll impact everyone and everything! – Let’s be honest, if you’re not ready and prepared…. you will be left behind. That’s for both, businesses, customers and personal (at home).

I’ll continue to collaborate – share input from my friends, that will help you look, understand and think about a number of topics in a different light. It’s all about diversity – and understanding.

Most importantly… Think Lean and Get Digital.