Children Technology

Has Tech made you a better parent?

I’m a father. And the other day, I was asked by the BBC about parenting – how I differ from my father… and from my perspective with a ‘technology’ lens made me think about it.

I would say – I am different. Same values, enhanced parenting.

Why, do you say that Bal?

Well… firstly, we have Social Media. Good and bad – however, I’ll take the positives and one of them is that, there’s some excellent advice for parents.

Yes – there’s a lot of content out there – but you can join various parenting groups… I’m sure other friends out there have similar challenges as you – and you can learn from each other. It’s easier. It’s quicker.

There’s also the messaging platforms. Take Whatsapp for example. I’m part of a few ‘dad’ groups. One of them is excellent – great advice, some funny jokes – but overall… we’re in the same boat. There’s a fitness guy, sharing great advice to get rid of the ‘dad belly’, there’s a ‘history’ dad, that shares some great insights and history to what’s happened previously… so you get the picture… various dad’s, lots of different professions – sharing lots of great insights and advice.

Back to the question… we’re busy these days. Travelling. Meetings. People… and often can be difficult to be with your children in the evening. Technology has helped again. Skype and FaceTime. Talking to the kids in the evening face to face for the time your away can be so valuable to the children.

So my values are just like my dad. But technology has helped me carry them on in this modern day we live in.

Obviously… technology helps everyone. Every father (and mother!). Even if you differ from your father – I’m hoping you’re using technology to be a better father to your children. To be able to listen to them. To talk to them. To teach them. To advise them. The educate them. To empower them to make wise decisions. To let them be…. anything they want. As long as they are happy.