
London Tech Week 2017

So, here it is… London Tech Week 2017!

‘Where creativity, talent and innovation come together’ – and that is so true. There’s a number of events, activities and (drinking/after parties) taking place all week. People are flying in from around the world to take part by sharing knowledge and learning from others.

There’s some great events… I’m not going to go through them all (you can find them on Google – oh, who are also hosting some events), but at the Excel Centre, you have have the Tech XLR8. It has some brilliant people attending and fantastic talks each day, every day, this week.

You’ll get the usual in various places.. such as Robot’s welcoming you…

to lots of creative people and activities taking place. The Mayor of London opened Tech Week…

One of the things that were mentioned was how, Sadiq Khan wants to transform London to a ‘World’s Leading Smart City’. He announced there would be some investment, for example the £1.6m investment for the clean technology incubator, Better Futures.

There’s also a new Tech Innovation Centre, that’ll home 800 startups in the East End of London.

This is all great. My thoughts for a ‘Smart City’? – there’s a few key ingredients you need… (and looks like, London has many of them).

  1. Smart Leadership – It all starts from the top. With the Mayor opening the week (which is great example of Leadership believing in that technology is key to the City), to the leaders of some major organisations & companies around the World coming to London to talk and learn.
  2. Smart People – There are a lot of smart people around London. Many of them are doing events from Tech XLR8 to Tug Life, to many more. Smart people connecting at these events is only a good thing!
  3. Smart Thinking – It’s when these connections are made, that they can then foster a relationship and blossom the ideas generated. Thinking together and having opportunities (including Space, Offices, etc…) will help ideas move into a ‘pilot’ phase.
  4. Smart Results – The first London Tech Week was in 2014. It’s only become bigger and better over the years – and this shows that there are actions that are taking place and more importantly, delivering results.

I feel, any city, in the UK, can do this. A number of cities (outside of London) are in London, taking advantage of the audience and promoting what they can offer and sharing some of their experiences – most of which are just outside of London.

So, the question is.. Bal, which events are you attending?

I’ll be at the Excel Centre, a few others… but one i’m looking forward to is Tug Life III…

I’ll be there on Thursday morning – which has a great title (each day, there is a different topic) and looking forward to listening to key experts share their knowledge and what they think is going to happen.

Human Vs Machine. Isn’t that so relevant for everything tech related today.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Go do something different. Go be challenged. Go and Learn.



Recently, I was talking to my nephew about jobs. The conversation was centered around how jobs have changed, how requirements are different and why there’s so many new job titles appearing. For example, we didn’t have Chief Innovation Officers that long ago… also, the one I quite like, are Big Data Scientists. Sounds like they are really clever.. and to be fair, the ones I know, are.

Nephew, change is gonna come.

It’s true. In fact, it’s happening right now. For example, if we go back around 20 years ago, most executives and managers had secretaries and administrators to write their memo’s… read memo’s and letters they’d received, schedule calendar events, organise meetings, etc… With technology, the need for a secretary/admin person has been diminished. There was the ‘Blackberry’, sorry, there is the ‘Blackberry’ as it’s still around, which could do most of those tasks. Now, with newer phones and devices, you can do a lot more by yourself, not needing someone.

Talking about needing someone, well you don’t really. There’s even robot’s that have been developed, with whom, if you wanted to, make love to! Who needs ‘Date Night’?!

And with technology, the emotional side of things also increase. For example, Robots being able to pick up emotions, tone of the voice, feelings, etc… and being able to respond back. Don’t forget, they’re all programmed, so what-ever they know, and how they react will be the right way – and on top of that, if it’s unsure of a situation, through a clever learning process, it’ll learn about new situations and events, and act accordingly. And this is especially important for all the men out there – if you’re like me, you’re probably always saying the wrong things at the wrong time in the wrong place.

Yes, there’s been films and documentaries on this. And yes, it is scary. But going back to my point of change.. a lot of the jobs that exist today, will not exist in the future.

Taxi/Bus Drivers – Driverless cars (which are already being tested)

Doctors and Nurses – Computers, Cameras and Scanners  – machinery that can understand and diagnose what may be the problem with your health.

Designers – don’t even need them! – “An algorithm has usurped the traditional role of a designer to generate millions of unique packaging designs for Nutella.”, shown in the video below….

There’s so many examples… look at how retail is changing. More and more grocery stores are opting for the ‘self-checkouts’ in their physical stores. And I say physical stores, because there’s more and more on-line shopping taking place, where you don’t even need a physical presence.

This blog, which is about lean thinking in a digital world, has a header image… I think that answers for a lot that is going on. A lot of start-ups are challenging traditional thinking. A number of entrepreneurs are looking for ways in which they can do something a lot more easier. I think it was Bill Gates who said, if there’s a task to be done, he’ll find the laziest person to do it, as they’ll find the easiest way to do it.

Think of anything. Think of its process. And make it simple. It’s as easy as that. That’s the basic fundamentals of Lean Thinking. The Digital World part… is introducing, if not already done so, new technology to the process. With that mix, you’ve got something exciting…


Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

As we grow up, we have various filters, beliefs, etc.. placed upon us. This is why, we see what we want. But open your eyes, understand what it’s like from someone else’s perspective… and, think differently.



KISS – Keep It Simple Silly!

You must have heard of the acronym KISS being used in various ways… the one that I use and remember the most is Keep It Simple Silly!

I’ve spoken previously of how things should be really simple, easy and effective. And on this blog, I share how frustrated I can get when anything.. absolutely anything, prevents a process from being simple.

It could be people, it could be anything.. that makes processes more complicated than what they need to be. We should also be reviewing what is happening and how we can make it easier again. Admittedly, processes and ways of working can get complex over time because various people will input and add their ‘stamp’ or ‘mark’ to the process or procedure.

We’ve seen organisations helping others to make life easier….

One is Amazon, and their dash button. It is so easy, even a baby could use it! – It’s so simple, that a baby could use it! It’s so effective that the parents of the baby would be happy!

This week, I’ve decided to spend a few days by the coast. Whilst checking in, I noticed this…

Based on the same principles of the Amazon Dash… press the button and the taxi arrives at the hotel to pick you up. No need to pre-book, no need to talk to anyone, just press the button when you’re ready and the taxi is on it’s way. There are some restrictions – if there’s more than 4 passengers, give them a call… which is fair enough because you’ll probably need a bigger car.

Personally, I think, we need more of this!

Even the process of entering the hotel, providing my information (name, etc…), credit card (for payment), etc.. could be made a lot easier.

I was thinking, what about a self-check in station… similar to what they have in restaurants (McDonalds, etc…) where you can walk in, use a screen to order your food and patiently wait.

Ok, takes the personal feel out… but it’d be quicker and easier for those wanting to check in quickly. Or what about the hotel having an app – everything is done on the app – to the point where your phone could unlock the room!

The possibilities are endless…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Be somebody that exceeds, excels and is head & tails above in terms of performance, image and exposure.


Free beer

Isn’t it great, when you are offered something for free?

For example, I was in Brussels Sunday and Monday gone. When I arrived at the Hilton Hotel, and whilst checking in, the lady said Thank You for being a loyal Hilton customer and here’s a voucher for a free drink at the bar.

Wow – free drink! I’ve not been offered one before in all my stays at the Hilton in Brussels. Not sure why I was offered one on this occasion, but I’ll kindly accept. Thank you.

Now this is customer service, and got me thinking – have they been reading my blog? – picked up on my experience at the Mercure Hotel? – do they remember from previous visits, that once upon a time, I wasn’t happy with the service of the staff at this same hotel? or is it, that I’ve been staying here so many times they’ve decided to reward me?

Well, I could have kept on thinking but I didn’t, as I sipped away on my free large beer…

Why do companies offer ‘freebies’?

Well, there’s a number of reasons. Some mentioned above – to reward loyal customers, to keep them engaged with the brand, etc… usually, it’s when there’s a new product or item being launched and free (usually smaller versions) of the product are sent out or provided to people to taste, sample, enjoy… so they’ll remember it next time they are shopping.

You even have websites dedicated to free items, such as or – there’s many more like these out there.

And this is not a recent thing…

Big brands have been doing it for a while. Enticing the customer in… giving them a taste and marketing it in a way they want more.

I think it’s a great way to drive business because customers know what they want and buy their regular items. For something new, they’ll need to learn about it, the benefits (this could be healthier choice, something more enjoyable than their regular item or it’s a lower cost without compromising quality).

Not just consumables, photographers, designers, whatever you do, you could do something free for a few folk, or even do something free for charities, where your talent is showcased and people know what you’re capable off. If they see something you’ve done, and think… wow! – they’ll a) remember you and b) compare you to others they would have noticed.

And that’s exactly what businesses and organisations want. To be remembered.

For me, I will be staying at the Hilton again, when in Brussels.

Though, not expecting another free beer. But hey, if they offer me one… I won’t say no.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Continuously Improve… rather than wait, postpone and/or delay for Perfection.



Talking about Tech on BBC Radio Nottingham

Sunday just gone, I was at BBC Radio Nottingham. This was my second time here – first time I was on, I was sharing my views on all things great about Technology.

Invited back, I shared some more thoughts about technology – mainly centered around politics, social media, how the Police are using data and why we should maybe take a break from Facebook, every now and again.

If you didn’t get a chance to listen – it’s available on the BBC Nottingham website – listen back to Kaval Vaseer’s show.

Now, at this point, you’re probably thinking – Bal, there’s got to be an easier way to listen back – rather than finding the BBC website, finding the show, finding last Sunday’s episode, then listening to all the music and great conversations till I get to your part….

Yes there is.

Click below 🙂

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Don’t look over at someone or somewhere else… the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Think about the effort you’re putting in…