Smart Home

Smart Everything…

We’re now living in a world – that is progressively becoming smarter by the day… Smart Everything!

We have ‘smarter’ devices, ‘smarter’ homes and ‘smart’ cars (not those small 2 seater ones, though they are cool- I mean smart as in clever cars…)

We’re more connected than ever before also.

With the vast amount of data being analysed about us – its no coincidence that you google for a holiday to Cyprus and next minute when you’re looking or searching for something on a different platform – Cyprus holiday suggestions pop up!

Is it good or bad, Bal?

Well – it depends on how you want to look at it.

It’s good- because it makes life easy. simple. quick.

It’s bad – because there’s organisations out there that know alot about you. And I mean… A LOT! (probably more than what you know about yourself!)

I’m more optimistic. I’m fine with certain organisations knowing certain things about me – if it brings about value.

Value – the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

To receive that ‘value’ – you need to input your information, data or something to receive something of value!

But obviously – be aware of what you share with who. Luckily, we have GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to help you understand more about where your data is and what you’d like done with it.

But going back to Value – we underestimate what the value could be. In Lean – we are able to look at non-value add and value-add : which means, we look at a process and the steps which add value (to the overall outcome) and which ones don’t add value (to the overall outcome).

So we should know where our data is – how it’s being used – and is it delivering the value we’d like. If not – then question, why not – and who’s benefiting from that data.