Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Following on from my thought last week… Warren has some great quotes and this one I love to share with younger folk.

Q & A

Inkquisitive Inspires – Interview Part 1

On this blog, as you may know, I tend to write and share all things to do with Lean, Digital, Innovation… basically, articles to inspire (and air my frustrations when I see opportunities for improvement!). Most of these are centered around Technology…

But from time to time, I like to interview people. People who have become successful. Successful, when they were told they couldn’t do it or were no good. Good to Great is what this person has become… and they’re inspiring others.

So who is this individual?

Well, his name is Amandeep, also known as Inkquisitive. He’s an artist. Had several world tours… in fact, sell-out world tours. He’s a true inspiration and a living example of ‘follow your dreams’.

I was lucky enough to ask him a few questions… (hope you enjoy the audio clips below! – there’ll be a part 2….!!)



Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

There’s a few sayings I really like. A few quotes, that really stick in my mind, and I occasionally like to refer to.

One of them, is by the Billionaire, Warren Buffett,

It’s so true, right? – This is one investment you’ll never lose on.