Car Technology

Connected Car

Last week it was super cold! – but it’s ok… my car was nice and warm when I got to it…

How’s that, Bal?

Well… my car is connected. And through this connection, and via the app – I could select an option that heats the car! How. Awesome. Is. That?

More and more cars are becoming connected. Allowing options like heating, etc… a norm. I remember a few years ago, when I was in Atlanta, with my friend Wes… we jumped into his car (it is a mahoosive one!) and he pressed a button, went to a call centre… Wes then said he wanted to go somewhere… and the information (directions) were sent to his sat nav in the car and off we went!

Cars are clever. And becoming even more clever. There’s so much data that your car produces – and there’s so much your car learns about you… which will then give you the experience you’ll love!

Whilst cars become more clever… they’ll also be talking. Talking to dealerships. Talking to the manufacturers. Talking to those who sign up to get their hands on the data!… (insurance companies?)

We are living in a connected world. Look around you, everything is connected and there’s vast amounts of data being sent back and forth. Don’t forget, Data is the new Oil!…. and whilst I said this on stage at an event in Toronto last July…. it was non other than Sir Tim Berners Lee (inventor of the World Wide Web) who approached me afterwards and said… whilst data is the new oil, just remember… oil can’t be re-used, whilst data can.

This did get me thinking… wow! This means data is even more valuable than oil!

Back to connected cars – so this data, that your car is collecting about you, your driving, your destinations, your habits… will be stored by someone (manufacture maybe) and then sold to various companies…. now, the optimistic in me will say… being sold so my experience can be much better… the pessimistic will say… being sold so companies can make more money.

Either way… this is stage 1 of connected car. The next stage will be the self driving cars… with more data being transmitted…. through the connected car.