Happy New Year!
Hope you had a nice Christmas and a lovely start to 2022!
And following on from my previous blog post – you may have set some new goals and objectives for 2022. Whatever they might be, hope that you are successful.
Hope. What a word. In fact, to share with you – I received a book for Christmas which I’m currently reading. It’s the follow up to, ‘the subtle art of not giving a f*ck’. This one is called, Everything is f*cked. So far, great read! Anyway – back to goals… and in fact, I don’t ‘hope’ you achieve and accomplish them… because you’ve got to plan to achieve them!

So, I recently shared an excellent article via my Linkedin profile – all about taking your big goal… and then breaking it down to monthly achievements.
Here’s a link to the article – https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/410602
One thing that I loved about the article was the ability to breakdown your goal (and be ambitious) to monthly goals. It’s simple when you think about it, right? – for example.. you wouldn’t eat a whole cake at once… you’d most probably slice it up! then consume a slice at a time.
And likewise with your goal – break it down…
What I’d love to hear from you is what your main goal is for 2022?
What is it, that you’d like to achieve?
I’ve written my goal on my wall. I’m now in the process of breaking it down per month. And then, I’m holding myself accountable by sharing these monthly goals with a few close friends – so, we have a quick call at the end of the month, and I have to report back to them – how well (or not) I’m progressing – and any corrective action I need to take.
This is all simple stuff really. But putting it into action is the hardest.
Oh, and if you’re unsure what goal you should have… I refer to my previous blog post. What do you enjoy? What do you like? What is your passion? and work on that…
And if allowed in 2022 (depending on restrictions etc… because of covid), I’ll be holding some Ted-type talks! We were meant to hold them in November 2021, but unfortunately, we couldn’t due to a number of issues. We’ll overcome them. And if you’d like to come, listen and grasp a few golden nuggets of information… stay tuned to my blog posts and I’ll keep you updated!
On that note…. write down your goals, enjoy that cup of coffee and share what you’re going to do with me!