Back in the office. Back to work. Back to where I left everything…
You knew it was a matter of time before this popped up on my watch…

That’s right – my watch was telling me, a minute of deep breathing can reduce stress.
There’s a number of things that can stress us out. It could be work, people, surroundings…

What can stress do to us?

We don’t want that!
So, what do I do when i’m Getting a little stressed or a message of that nature pops up on my watch?
Well…. firstly, I try to get some fresh air.
Most of my time, I either spend in an air conditioned environment (like my office) or an aeroplane. And whilst I need to be in these environments, I do try to go out for a walk. Most of the time – the office is in a built up area, or town centre… but still…. a walk can help. 10-15 minutes of walking, clearing my mind… can help reduce stress.
In addition to the above point – I find an ice cream also helps.
Music. That also helps me. Some relaxing music helps. Not Dr Dre or Wu Tang Clan. Some soothing and calming music usually does the trick.
There’s a few things that can help to reduce stress…

So if you’re getting a little stressed or messages are popping onto your watch of the stress nature…. slow down, relax, try to enjoy like…. take it a little easy and my favourite – Go outside!
Smiley faces all round.
Turn that frown, upside down!