
Ella, Ella, eh… eh….eh…

A few years ago, I was on the phone to a friend, who is running a startup.

We were talking about various things, and he asked me how the weather is. I said, the weather looks ok – but I’m not sure because I haven’t been outside.

Then I suggested, wouldn’t it be a good idea to have an app that didn’t just tell you the weather but also suggested what to wear!

Anyhow… we didn’t do anything. Like most of the idea’s we discussed that day, we just parked it.

Fast forward a year or two later. And there I am, on the trusted laptop… and look what pops up!

That’s right- someone, somewhere (else in the world) had the same idea… but only went and developed it!

Brella – your personal weather app!

It not only tells you the weather – but tells you what to wear! One less thing I have to do!!

Yes Matt! – put your jeans and t-shirt on… the weather is good!!

Now for me – in London – it’d be, Bal… take an umbrella!

The point of this is, not app – though that it is a great idea, and I’m glad someone did develop it – but the whole point about, if you have an idea… DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Yes, I did use Caps Lock. Yes, I am shouting at you. Yes, I am making a point.

We all have ideas. But doing something about them – that’s what seperates the successful ones from the not so successful ones.

Now – whilst I’m a little upset I didn’t develop it… I’m ok with it.

Why Bal? – you could’ve made millions.

Not always about the money. But yes, I could’ve made a ‘few bob’, however, I’m already working on plenty of other ideas, have items in pilot stages and supporting other startups and companies.

Whilst having an idea – and working on it – stick to it. Don’t start a million and one things… and not finish anything off. Working on a handful – and finish them!

So, if you’d like to read more about the Brella app – have a read of this.. it’s by the developer. Great read… hope it inspires you….

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

0-100…. real quick.