
Humans are best, at being human…

We talk a lot about robots. How they’re eventually going to take over… how they’re taking over some jobs now… how we need to work with robots…

Well… it’s true. Let’s be honest…. they’ve taken over the repetitive jobs, and soon they’ll be taking over your job.

Bal, do I need to find a new job? Should I be worried?

Yes and No.

Yes, find a new profession – look for a new skills, learn something different.

No, don’t be worried. Similar to previous times in history – Humans have been able to re-skill, look for new opportunities and adapt.

Bal, tell me the different times in history.

Okay… better explained with a picture…

As you can see – and I’ll go into detail in another blog post – but from every ‘Industry’ there’s been something new – and humans have been able to adapt.

Now whilst technology is key – and as you can see, Industry 4.0 – introduces ‘smart’ – smart factory, IoT, Big Data, etc… there will obviously be jobs that are no longer required to be done by humans.

So what do humans have, that’ll take a little more time for robots to master?

Emotions and Feelings.

That’s right – Humans are best, at being human.

We can react. We can cry. We can be emotional. We can sense….

You know all the emotions, right?… Well, in the 1970’s Paul Eckman described the six basic emotions.

  1. Happiness
  2. Sadness
  3. Digust
  4. Fear
  5. Surprise
  6. Anger

Now, since then – more have been added, like Contempt, Joy, etc…

Our ability to display these emotions is a phenomenal skill. Something, we humans, can do with ease.

So whilst technology is taking over… let’s not get too emotional about it.

Robots have a while before they can interpret feelings…. and display emotions. Because it’s not always black and white… 0 and 1.