Tech Tuesday

Tech Tuesday

Recently, on social media – you may have seen some old photo’s being bought to life. All looks a bit creepy, right? – If you’ve not seen it and thinking, Bal… what’s all this about?! – Then, let me share with you… a company called MyHeritage who provides automatic AI-powered photo enhancements is now offering a new service that can animate people in old photos creating a short video!

The conversion process is completely automated. Users simply need to upload a photograph through the website where it’s first sharpened and enhanced to not only improve the quality of the final animation but to also make it easier for the deep learning algorithm to do its thing.

The results are eerily lifelike, and manage to preserve the aesthetics of the original shot to help sell the effect of this video being recorded when the actual photo was captured.

So the question is – who would you like to see, moving their face again?

As mentioned – it is eerily lifelike – and this technology will only advance, maybe there could be certain body movements – or more than facial expression – wouldn’t it be amazing if there were more movements and maybe voice! (Appreciate that’s going to be difficult, but if many voices were recorded of descendants then I’m sure AI could work some magic).

So head over to the Heritage Website, and let’s see the videos!