Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

What is your story?

It’s simple. What you do. What you learn. What you achieve. That is your story.

Once upon a time…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s (Good) Friday Thought…

I’m often asked, how do I find the time to do all the charity work, the football coaching, and all the other activities and ventures I’m involved in… well, I do ‘overtime’.

Taken from the legendary, Gary Vaynerchuck.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

This week, I’m inspired by Avaani. Aged 7. Her father I know, and the below was shared on Insta.

We’re all going through tough times… but one thing we can try to do more of is walking… and talking.

So go for that walk… take your headphones and have a talk (if the person is further away)… don’t let obstacles get in your way (but please, stay safe and keep your social distancing).

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

As many of us are breaking up for Christmas Holidays… it’s a time to also reflect on what we’ve achieved over the past 12 months.

2020 has been a year like no other! Many businesses have had to shut, many have had to adapt and many have had the opportunity to carry on.

We all have goals… at the start, I’m sure many wrote… I would like to….. or I could achieve….. but how many of those things did you actually accomplish?

I’ll be taking a few moments to write what I actually did. And I’ll happily share that with you…. It’ important to write down and acknowledge what you did. Sometimes, even you may be surprised!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

No additional comment required I think. You’re not a tree. Get up and move…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Sometimes, we feel we need everything now. Or as soon as possible. And when we don’t get it… we start to ask a series of questions – a bit of 5 Why Analysis….

When all we sometimes need is a little patience.

We need to reflect. Understand. And progress. Keep moving. Don’t stop…. Keep pushing and delivering. And if you’re good enough… (taken from Gary V.)

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

There’s a few things that Covid-19 Lockdown has taught us… in fact, it’s accelerated some things that were coming.

The evolution of the employee.

How we work.

And we’ve been able to evolve due to technology but also a shift in the mindset. A shift in thinking that is allowing us to add more value and be more productive.

Two examples I’d like to share,

  1. I recall seeing in a signature of a senior leader, something along the lines of….. “I’m sending this email because this time works for me, if this is out of your working hours, I do not expect a reply”.
  2. I recently undertook some learning – via LinkedIn Learning app. I did it in the evening. In my own time. And it was in short bursts.. about 10 videos each of which were 3 to 4mins long. It taught me a lot. In fact, made me do some ‘homework’ and really make me think.

That’s what it is about, right? – Learn, Think… Apply.

Would be great to hear example you may have, in terms of how you’re becoming an employee of the future…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Sometimes I can be impatient. I want to work on things quickly. Figure out if they work or not. Lean startup methodology type of thinking.

And today’s Friday thought comes to you with some humour…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Sometimes, you just gotta get up and do it! We can easily think of excuses to delay…. do it tomorrow…. and you never end up doing it!

As you know, I love the content that Gary Vee puts out… and the below is my Friday Thought. Don’t delay, Do it Today!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

It’s all about results, right? – a lot of people talk…. we can do this, we can do that… etc… but the important thing is being able to show it.

Be able to prove it… rather than promise.

Under promise – over deliver.