
And the Winner is…. no, not you Bal… sit down please.

You may remember, I shared with many of you how I was selected as a ‘Finalist’ for the Nachural Entrepreneurship Awards 2017!

Like always, I was going for the win… and by reading the title of this blog, you’ve probably already guessed…. I didn’t win (crying emoji!)

That’s right. Saturday night, I got suited and booted and headed over to the Awards ceremony in Leicester, UK.

So, there I was… when the category was announced, to get up… collect the award and have a few photo’s taken.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

I was announced as a finalist… and then, well, I remained seated.

I would like to take this opportunity to say, Well done to the winner.. in fact, all the winners on the night.

It was a lovely evening…

…just slightly disappointed, that I wasn’t walking away with the award.

I shared the news with my son in the morning – that I didn’t win. This is what he said… (he didn’t use bullet points or numbering, I’m just doing this so it’s easier to read)

1. Dad, it’s the taking part that counts – That is absolutely right. I’m forgetting for the moment, that I was a finalist. How do those people feel,  who were not even selected as a finalist!

On top of that, being at the evening, I was able to meet Sir John Peace – listen to him and have the opportunity to talk to him afterwards, also – meet some great people from various other businesses and organisations.

2. You’re still young – That is absolutely true! – I’ve got time to do some more great work, share it with people… & continue to learn  and grow.

That’s right – if there ever was a challenge for me… it’s to continue, to learn. Learn more by reading, collaborating, sharing and exploring.

For example, Colonel Sanders was in his late 60’s when he was bringing KFC to life….

3. There’ll be more Awards – I know.. there’ll be more. It’s just the waiting. It’s one of the 7 wastes (Muda – Toyota… Google it). But it’s true. This isn’t the one and only, and the last award evening i’ll be attending.

So with that.. I was optimistic. Already thinking, about my achievements so far… and how I can add to them.

So for the moment, i’ll have to leave my twitter bio to ‘Award Winner….’ not, ‘Multi-Award Winner’…. but don’t worry, I’ve got it saved in draft 🙂