
Monday Motivation

I always suggest – if you have a passion, you should follow it!

Sometimes, at the start it might not work out – or success might not come that soon or as quick as you wish…. but keep going. Don’t give up. Keep learning…

Today’s Motivation comes from a footballer…

Imagine – having to pay to play!

How many of you would pay to follow a passion? May would expect to be paid!!


Busy July, Calm August…

As you’ve probably seen from my twitter feed and insta account – I’ve been travelling a lot in July.

To say it’s been crazy is an understatement. Rotterdam, Toronto, Berlin and Brussels.

But I’m hoping for a calmer August. Why? – well, I’m going on holiday…. That’s why!

Thoroughly deserved as well if I may say so… but in the back of my head, I’ll be thinking about emails, work going on, etc… There’s a wonderful chart that illustrates this…

I’ve said before… it’s important to take a break. Most of us, are on laptops. And there comes a time when our laptop slows down, we need to stop it – shut it down, and then start again. Similar to us… we have so much going on… mentally, that we need to shut down and start again.

I won’t be having my phone on. I will definitely not be checking emails. If someone wants me – you have two options… 1. Talk to someone in my team and get the best advice from them, 2. Wait for me to come back.

Admittley, I’m not taking the holiday at a busy time of the year nor is it during a period when everything is happening – you know these times in the year we come across. I’m taking it in August. During school summer holidays. But also – that shouldn’t matter. You should take your holidays, when you want, how you want!

I remember this post from Cristina when she went on holiday…

Brings a lot of attention about how important it is.

So folks, I won’t be posting much… you’ll get my Friday thought – because I know there’s a lot of people that watch out for them and enjoy reading them. Otherwise, a few weeks with no blogs… unfortunately. However, I will be back mid-August….firing on all cylinders (as they say!)

Thanks…Bal…sat on a beach… somewhere in the Mediterranean