Do much last night? – No?… well… the first question would be, why didn’t you tune into the Apple event?! – I did tell you about it.
Okay, I get it… you’re busy, we’re busy… everyone is busy. And being honest, aren’t we busy on our devices – you know, the mobile phone, the tablet, computer, etc..
Anyhow – Apple released a few cool products. First up – the iPhone 11

That’s right – you get the 11, the 11 Pro and the 11 Pro MAX! – obviously, the first thing you’ll notice are the camera’s. That’s right – Apple have up’d their game on photography – and rightly so. The competitors have some brilliant cameras on the back of their phones.
Now – I could share a lengthy detailed blog post about the whole event, about the different phones, about the new products like the new watch, the new iPad and the new Operating system… but you know what – I’m also busy.
So – I’ll leave you with this video, a quick, short, snappy video which tells you everything you need to know. Enjoy!