Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

I know… it’s been a while! I appreciate your understanding! But more importantly… where is 2024 going?! March already!!!!

I am trying to blog more – sharing more of my thoughts on technology, people and processes… all are important in today’s world. And for today’s friday thought, it’s very much around vibes.

I do often look and feel for vibes… good or bad. And when you get good vibes… Enjoy!

You should too… look out for vibes. Feel the vibes.

Vibes are important because it’s a form of communication that can be so powerful, it leaves you with thoughts, memories and/or experiences.

What is a Vibe? (the below is taken from the Cambridge Dictionary)

The mood of a place, situation, person, etc. and the way that they make you feel:

laid-back vibe The city is famous for its laid-back vibe.

vibe of I loved the overall vibe of the place but the food wasn’t that great.

The music has a soothing vibe.

I didn’t like the place—it had bad vibes.

I was getting some weird vibes from him—I don’t think he liked me.