
The only way is up…

I don’t really share a lot on here, what else I do… Well, I kind of do with the football – but this blog mainly focuses on technology, new things that can help in life and a few motivational quotes to get you thinking about life.

So, I’m going to do something here – which may, or may not work. I’m going to share, (on a regular basis), success (however limited it may be), within a new volunteer role I’ve recently accepted.

The local Sikh Temple, had some ‘openings’ for local volunteers… so they could be part of the ‘management committee’. Every two years, the Sikh Temple holds elections – but this time, they had enough people to go ahead without elections. One of those people, who had their name put forward… was me! So, cut long story short… I’m the Youth and Community Liaison Officer for the Ramgarhia Sikh Temple, Nottingham.

Now… let’s be honest. Many of you will go to Google, and type it in to understand a bit more about what Bal has got himself into…

And so… you’ll quickly notice, they have a presence on Facebook… (who doesn’t!), and a few other websites share some information. But no website of their own….

Online presence is so important. For an organization. To communicate.

And I’ll be honest, there is soooooo much to communicate. In addition, your website provides the organisation with so much more….

6 Reasons Why a Website is Important for your Business - Web Developist

So… as I mentioned as the start of this blog post, I’ll be sharing more on this journey of mine with you. First things first, is to understand the current landscape and the Sikh Temple’s Online presence. Then it’s about enhancing those channels and communicating more, providing options and most importantly… being clear what the Sikh Temple provides.

We often do over look the basics. Because we don’t know how to go about it. Because we don’t know where to start. Because we don’t understand the importance of it. Because…. there’s so many reasons. But the key thing here is, this is a journey and we are all going to be on it – yes, you included! As you’re reading this… I’ll ask you to be part of the journey!

So, I’m armed with my 30/60/90 Day plan.

And I’ll keep you updated!

(Once I’ve shared my plan with the Management Committee – I’ll for sure share it back here, and share the feedback I get!)

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Here we are. In 2022. Hoping, I suppose, that’s all we can do, is a better year than some of the previous years we’ve had.

Let’s be honest. We just want a bit of normality. We just want it to be stable, no drama – and letting us enjoy time with friends and family.

So, my Friday Thought, is in line with ‘The Out and Abouter’ who recently tweeted – let 2022 be like a Toyota Corolla.

Old Tech

Bye Bye BlackBerry

Who remembers the BlackBerry phone?

My earliest memory of it was, when I newly into a role… and the manager (GM) had a blackberry. We were on the shop floor (manufacturing company) and he asked me if I’d seen a particular note from another senior person. I said, no. He instantly, pulled his blackberry out – and said, it’s in your inbox, have a look and walked off.

Wow. The power in his hands at that moment!

I rushed up a flight of stairs, to the office, and put the laptop on and had a look for the email – and rightly so, it was there! Read the email and replied and knew what was happening.

It was rather ground-breaking.

Having the power to do your emails on the go. Not having to get to the laptop. Not having to run up a flight of stairs. Nope… none of that. In the palm of your hands – you could be quicker, simpler and empowered (to a certain extent) to make decisions and get work done!

What was your first memory of the BlackBerry phone? (if you’re old enough to remember them!)

But… we know what happened to the trusted BlackBerry device. Don’t we?

What Happened to BlackBerry | Toptal

You’ll have heard, it’s the End of the Road for them.

Sales have been plummeting for a while. Every since Apple and other devices didn’t use physical buttons, every since other devices had better integrations with other applications and then the whole eco-system between devices (laptops, phones, tablets, etc…)

BlackBerry stuck with their unique selling point – the physical buttons. And to be honest, there were some die-hard fans that loved them. But the problem was, technology moved on so much… that honestly, there were other features that were more important than having the physical buttons. And on top of that, we all got used to the simplicity.

Simplicity of the screen.

Unfortunately, BlackBerry didn’t advance. They didn’t innovate. They stayed as they are.

And the other strand to this is… people aren’t sending as many emails as they used to previously.

We have more chat functionality. (Yes you had that on blackberry – but it was limited).

We have MS Teams. We have Slack. We have Whatsapp. We have all the social media platforms – Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, etc…

Let’s be honest, who has the time today to read long emails. It’s quicker and easier to send a quick message.

I think this only proves one point. It’s not the strongest of the species that survive…

Blackberry/RIM’s revenue from fiscal year 2004 to 2021 (in million U.S. dollars)

… it’s those, who are most adaptable to change.

Unfortunately, BlackBerry, like Blockbuster, like Kodak… just didn’t adapt to the change. Didn’t innovate. We know companies like Apple have that innovative spirit built within…

iPhone sales by year | Statista

Look at the two graphs from 2011 to 2013. Blackberry’s huge decline and Apple’s huge increase in sales.

I’m sure there’ll be many who are emotional about BlackBerry being no more… and I’m sure they’ll tweet/share their sorrows via their Apple or Android device. Basically, their non-BlackBerry device.

Dream Big

New Year… New Goals!

Happy New Year!

Hope you had a nice Christmas and a lovely start to 2022!

And following on from my previous blog post – you may have set some new goals and objectives for 2022. Whatever they might be, hope that you are successful.

Hope. What a word. In fact, to share with you – I received a book for Christmas which I’m currently reading. It’s the follow up to, ‘the subtle art of not giving a f*ck’. This one is called, Everything is f*cked. So far, great read! Anyway – back to goals… and in fact, I don’t ‘hope’ you achieve and accomplish them… because you’ve got to plan to achieve them!

So, I recently shared an excellent article via my Linkedin profile – all about taking your big goal… and then breaking it down to monthly achievements.

Here’s a link to the article –

One thing that I loved about the article was the ability to breakdown your goal (and be ambitious) to monthly goals. It’s simple when you think about it, right? – for example.. you wouldn’t eat a whole cake at once… you’d most probably slice it up! then consume a slice at a time.

And likewise with your goal – break it down…

What I’d love to hear from you is what your main goal is for 2022?

What is it, that you’d like to achieve?

I’ve written my goal on my wall. I’m now in the process of breaking it down per month. And then, I’m holding myself accountable by sharing these monthly goals with a few close friends – so, we have a quick call at the end of the month, and I have to report back to them – how well (or not) I’m progressing – and any corrective action I need to take.

This is all simple stuff really. But putting it into action is the hardest.

Oh, and if you’re unsure what goal you should have… I refer to my previous blog post. What do you enjoy? What do you like? What is your passion? and work on that…

And if allowed in 2022 (depending on restrictions etc… because of covid), I’ll be holding some Ted-type talks! We were meant to hold them in November 2021, but unfortunately, we couldn’t due to a number of issues. We’ll overcome them. And if you’d like to come, listen and grasp a few golden nuggets of information… stay tuned to my blog posts and I’ll keep you updated!

On that note…. write down your goals, enjoy that cup of coffee and share what you’re going to do with me!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s 2021 Thought…

It’s Friday. Usually I have Bal’s Friday Thought on a Friday. But today, it’s a 2021 thought. That’s right – I’m thinking about the year that’s just gone.

What a year. Let’s be honest. A alot happened, right? Whilst a lot happened, we were still restricted and a lot didn’t happen. Covid still lingers in the air. Mutations of the virus are with us – and we are still having to be careful. Flights, holidays, etc… not the ‘normal’ as we expected. But the main thing is, if you’re reading this, you’re alive.

Unfortunately, in 2021 – I attended more funerals than I actually wanted to. Sad times – and a few tears shed. Some were unexpected – in fact, most were unexpected. And that’s why I’m grateful, to be able to continue to do what I enjoy.

Now, whilst I don’t have a tech review of the year – what I do have, is a great review from who share their ‘biggest business moments’ from 2021 –

NFT art in Hong Kong, China. Getty Images

Whilst we all learnt a lot in 2021, and technology (and business) grew more advanced – with some super rich people going into space (the billionaire space race)… I took some time to reflect locally.

For me, I was on BBC Radio quite often, to share my thoughts on technology (and other topics when on BBC Asian Network). And it’s something I’ll continue into 2022. We often do an exercise at the end of a project – what went well – and what we need to improve. A lessons learnt type of exercise. So we can improve and get better. The interesting thing here is, I’m doing something similar for myself. What is it that I should continue… and what should I improve on.

One thing for this blog, which I’ve been doing for a few years, is to improve what I talk about. I’ve mainly shared articles on technology, motivational elements and how we can improve (as people). I will continue to do that. But improve with more videos, and providing more information. I do need some help though. It’d be great if you could ask questions, share your thoughts… help with building more content. Recently, I was asked about Christmas presents. Which I shared a blog post. Then I was asked for ‘lower cost’ presents. Which I did. And the great thing there was, it helped a few people. I know this. From the replies I received. Thank you.

In general – there’s a number of things I’ll continue as-is… but there’ll be things I want to improve. As I make my list… it’d be great for you to share via the comments section below, what you want to improve on. Could it be health? Could it be to train and learn a particular skill? or could it be, you want to follow your passion? Speaking recently to a family member, they’re a teacher… but love to clean cars. I mean, really clean cars. Like, detail them. And they’re seriously considering, quitting their job, and clean… sorry, detail… cars for a living. I personally, think it’s a great idea! Follow your passion – if your finances allow you to, great! If they don’t, make a plan… and when the time does come that you’re financially able to follow your passion – do it. Because, you never know – when your time will come and you end up in a box and that’s it. So whilst you’re on this planet – enjoy your life and do something that brings a smile to your face… just like this family member who got a small vacuum cleaner (with liquids and water, and all sorts) to be used in cars for christmas and was absolutely in love with it! (Honestly… not seen a grown man, talk so passionately about a vacuum cleaner.. in fact, whilst he was showing me, is stayed in between us the whole evening! (that is the sign of true love!).

And if you don’t know what your passion is, try different things. Experiment. Talk. Understand. Watch youtube videos. Just do something – and try. You’ll find it. And on that journey, you’ll pick up lots of other skills.

So with that, I hope you have fun seeing what you want to continue into 2022, what you want to improve on in 2022… and wish you, an awesome New Year. Thank you so much for supporting me and reading my blogs in 2021.


Merry Christmas!


Hope Santa gave you what you wanted! Christmas is a great time of the year – and I just wanted to take this opportunity to all those who read my blog, a very Merry Christmas!

If you did receive some awesome tech presents – please share them with me! – you can tweet me, or share them on Insta and tag me. Or easier still… reply back to this blog post and tell me all about it!


Low Cost Tech Gifts for Christmas 2021!

Recently, I shared a list of some amazing tech gifts you could buy for loved ones, for Christmas.

But then – I received a message.

“Thanks Bal. Great list. But anything if I haven’t got that much money”. Yes Aaron. Yes I do. Here’s a list of a few things that are fairly low cost…

Up first… The Holy Stone HS450 Mini Drone (£32 on Amazon)

This insanely affordable mini drone by Holy Stone is a great gift option for beginners. It has a clever design with protection shells around its rotors, obstacle-avoiding tech, the ability to fly in any direction, and around 20 minutes of flight time per charge. It comes bundled with a controller and a trio of batteries.

Or… how’s about an iFixit Essentials Electronics Repair Kit?

Gadget tinkerers will instantly fall for this essential electronics toolkit by iFixit. Designed by industry experts with many years of experience in tearing down and fixing tech products, it includes precision screwdrivers and tweezers, as well as an opening tool, among many other bits.

All tools are neatly organized in a carrying case with a magnetic lid. The toolkit is backed by a lifetime warranty from iFixit.

Or, how’s about.. Soundcore Life P2 Mini True Wireless Earbuds (under £50 on Amazon)

Anker’s Soundcore Life P2 mini true wireless earbuds belie their price tag, making for an excellent tech gift for any occasion. They have a cool design with an exercise-friendly IPX5 rating for water resistance, good sound, and a comfy fit.

To make things even better, the earbuds have futureproof Bluetooth 5.2 and up to 8 hours of battery life (32 with the storage case). You can order the P2 mini in black, white, green, navy, and pink.

Or hows about… Nimble Champ Lite Portable Charger

The sleek and compact Nimble Champ Lite battery pack is incredibly giftworthy, since it can fully charge most smartphones with power to spare. It has a full USB port, and an even faster USB-C output.

Even more impressively, the gadget’s housing (available in black, blue, and stone) is made from recycled plastic. Nimble backs the product with a 2-year warranty.

Or hows about… PhoneSoap Basic UV Sanitizer

The reasonably priced (£50 on Amazon) PhoneSoap Basic UV sanitizer is a thoughtful tech gift, especially considering the times we live in. The product’s powerful UV-C bulbs can eliminate bacteria and germs from the recipient’s gadgets and other everyday items almost completely in about 10 minutes. 

You can order the PhoneSoap Basic in black or white. It comes bundled with a USB cord.

So there you go.. My Top Five Low Cost Christmas Tech Gifts!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Great things always begin from the inside…


Tech Christmas Gift Ideas 2021

Christmas is around the corner… literally! A few weeks away!! And as the excitement builds, for those thinking… where is Bal and his Tech Christmas Gift Ideas for this year?!!… well, here it is… Merry Christmas!

Ok, it’s broken down into a few categories… oh, and prices are approx (subject to change depending where you shop!)

For the Music lovers out there…

IKEA Symfonisk WiFi speaker – £179

A wireless speaker they can hang on the wall. Oh, and it’s compatible with high-end Sonos speakers, thanks to the premium audio company’s partnership with IKEA.

Sony WF-1000XM4 noise-canceling headphones – £280

These lightweight Bluetooth earbuds feature market-leading noise-canceling technology and an IPX4 waterproof rating that will keep the sweat out if the lucky recipient takes them for a run.

AudioQuest Dragonfly Cobalt USB – £299

Probably the most you’ll ever pay for a USB stick, but audio purists will love this compact digital audio converter that gives digital music libraries a new lease of life.

For the home office workers…

Flexispot standing desk – £199 / Griffin Elevator laptop stand – £38

Give the gift of good posture this holiday season. Full-time remote workers (and their backs) could benefit from the electrically-operated Flexispot EG1, starting at £199. There are other options – I bought an desk that you can electronically move up and down (with some memory functions)… from Amazon! (I had to build it myself – came in a few different pieces – and I have to admit – it’s great!)

For a cheaper solution, a laptop stand like the Griffin Elevator notebook stand (£38) can keep a laptop at eye level, saving your loved one from a sore neck.

Ember Cup 2 – £149.95

This rechargeable smart cup can keep drinks warm for up to an hour, and even allows users to set a specific temperature via the accompanying app.

Logitech C920S webcam – £99.99

A full HD webcam with a built-in microphone and privacy shutter, perfect for meeting colleagues remotely. It’s also ‘big company’ approved – various folk use it to dial into their daily meetings.

Hmmm… Fitness Fanatic are you?… here you go…

Wahoo Elemnt Bolt – £299.99

Wahoo updated its popular bike computer this year with a colour screen and improved directions. Simple integration with fitness apps like Strava, as well as power, cadence, and heart rate monitors make this a must-have for cyclists.

Theragun Mini – £199

Massage guns are an increasingly popular way to recover from a workout more quickly. The Theragun Mini is the smallest, cheapest, and most portable option on offer from Therabody, which has been in the industry since 2016.

Apple Watch Series 7 – from £429+

The newest edition of Apple’s smartwatch features a larger screen and faster recharging than the old model. It packs in all the standard activity-tracking features, plus the ability to check the level of oxygen in your blood. Also… don’t rule out the series 6 or even the 3! (both still at very competitive prices and very good tech!

For the Outdoor Explorer…

Phoozy Apollo thermal phone case – from £43

Like a spacesuit for your phone, Phoozy claims its thermal protection case can extend battery life in extreme cold, and protect devices from overheating in the sun.

Biolite Firepit+ – £299.95

It’s a campfire, but without the smoke. At least that’s what Biolite claims. The Firepit+ uses a rechargeable battery pack to blow jets of air that ensure a cleaner and more efficient burn. It can even recharge your devices via USB.

Garmin Inreach Mini – £349

No signal? No problem. Stay safe in the great outdoors with this mini satellite communicator.

Summary…. So there you go. A few ideas… in a few different categories… to ensure you get a few presents for Christmas!

Uncategorized Week in Review

Week 48… 2021!

Only 4 weeks left and 2021 is over.

I remember starting my Top Two Tech Stories in January, 2021 – and it’s been fun! Right now – not sure if i’ll continue into 2022.

For now, there’s alot going on in the tech world – with the whole metaverse etc.. but I’m going to bring it right home. And focus on two stories, that would’ve been relevant to folks here.

First up – it’s all about the Holiday Season!

  1. Nest Doorbell and their tunes!

Google announced this Wednesday on its Nest community blog the return of holiday-themed ringtones for Nest Doorbells (via 9to5Google). Visitors arriving for family holiday gatherings can now press the Nest Doorbell and be greeted with sounds of the holidays, including “Winter,” Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and New Year’s jingles.

Google did have holiday bell options last year as well — but only as a perk for subscribers to its Nest Aware smart alert service. This year, owners of both the battery Nest Doorbell and the wired version (formerly Nest Hello) can get in on the fun sans that subscription. Google mentions that the newer battery Nest Doorbell requires users to use the Google Home app with an account in order to activate the themes — while wired users can also enable them through the Nest app and site.

Google is setting the trend on having seasonal ringtones — in October of this year, the company released Halloween-themed ringtones with multiple spooky tunes. The ghostly ringtones also replicated onto accompanied Nest speakers and hubs inside the home — a feature now available for the new holiday ringtones so families and friends can get cheery together before even opening the door.

Next up… whilst most of us have Sky TV – there are some, who have Virgin Media TV and it’s not been great recently…

Some Virgin Media customers were left without access to TV services for more than 10 hours, after the firm suffered a nationwide outage.

The issue began at about 10:30 GMT prompting thousands of viewers to report problems.

The firm told customers its engineers were trying to fix the problem, which hit cities across the UK, including London, Birmingham and Manchester.

Virgin Media apologised, and said it would fix it “as soon as possible”.

The issue had been caused by “a major power outage”, the firm said.

The website Downdetector which tracks outages received more than 18,000 reports of problems at one point.

Many users tweeted their annoyance at the loss of service, and the way in which Virgin Media communicated: “Can you update please? No TV. Your status page down. No info on phone lines,” wrote one customer.

The company said it had identified the fault and its engineers were working flat-out to fix the issue.

At 13:45 GMT the company wrote: “We have now restored several channels with customers able to watch BBC One, BBC Two, ITV, ITV+1 and Channel 4. TV360 customers are also able to access apps on their box,” the firm wrote.

“We’re working to restore all channels as quickly as possible and continue to work towards having this resolved this afternoon.”

But the partial return did not please everyone: “Channels 1 to 4 are working, but the problem is it’s not the year 1985 and we pay for hundreds of channels,” one customer tweeted.

And some users complained that the channels had appeared then disappeared. Oh Lord.

There you go… all about TV going down and welcoming guests to a nice tune from your doorbell.. I’m sure my parents had a doorbell similar that played a christmas tune back in 1985!