I used to talk at many conferences… but I’ll be totally honest, I don’t have much time now. Hence why I tend to share a lot of my thoughts on this blog.
However, I’ve been tempted to come and talk with some friends at the Nottingham Trent University on Wednesday 13th June.
That’s right – I did say friends… A good friend of mine, Shane Matthews will be flying in from the States.

For those wondering who Shane Matthews is… well, a) he’s a good friend of mine who resides in Atlanta, GA… b) invented the Nerf Gun and c) has a lab at Georgia Tech where he’s always working on something quite unreal!
Yep… point b), he co-founded/invented the nerf gun!! – It was many many moons ago… he had a few ideas… went through a few iterations… and if I carry on telling the story, I’ll spoil it for those coming to hear him.
Along with Shane, is another friend of mine, Leigh. Leigh Davidson didn’t invent anything… however, he’s one of the most knowledgeable guys around who knows everything there is about Augmented Reality.
So much so… he used to work for an AR startup, which got sold for $40m!!!

He’s a busy chap, but taking time out of this diary to come and talk to folk about AR and his experience.

There’ll also be Andrea, who works for Fujitsu… sharing her thoughts on Account based marketing – as she knows a thing or two about marketing!
So… looks like to be a fabulous event! – I believe there’s a few tickets & spaces remaining… interested in coming? – then register yourself and either  drive up the M1… fly into East Midlands… catch the train to Nottingham… and immerse yourself into what will truly be… a wonderful afternoon.
Oh, here’s a link to the event – https://www.ntu.ac.uk/about-us/events/events/2018/06/ignite-your-innovation go on… ignite, your innovation!