Week in Review

Week 5… 2021!

Another busy week! – So much going on… everything from the Farmers Protest in India to how food prices are being increased in the UK! – it could be because of Brexit! (I think it is… especially hearing about how products and stock are being held at ports!!

So my 2 stories from the week…

  1. Nike Trainers – This is a new design of trainers that have been shared by Nike. You may be thinking, really… new trainers?… yes! – they are very easy to put on and take off. They have a hinge, so the shoe/trainer – effectively… splits in the middle, allowing easy access for your foot to come out… and go in! They are called the Nike GO FlyEase Trainer….

2. Tesla… no, I won’t be talking about Elon Musk taking a break from Twitter.. or the crypto currency he’s been endorsing… but more so, that the new steering wheel they’ll be having is legal in the UK!… AND…. be honest, how many of us, will think we are knight rider?! – Honestly, little things like these make me want to buy a Tesla… however, I did notice BMW have a ‘funky’ steering wheel in their new iX… all about the user experience!


It won’t be pretty…

When you’re starting something, following your passion…. anything, it can be extremely difficult.

There’s people asking you, have you got a business plan? What’s your strategy? Who are your customers? Etc…

Whilst these are very important questions – there’s a phrase that you shouldn’t forget….. Progress over Perfection!

Get started. Find your customers (have an idea first who/where they could be!)

40 years ago, Rob Strasser, Nike’s first marketing head, put out this internal memo called “Principles.” Quite incredible just how little the company has wavered from these since….

What are your principles? – if it helps, I would recommend you read, Business for Punks! – great book!!

With this… you may be thinking, Bal…. what’s your passion and what are your principles?!

Great questions….. I have a few passions, all of which I’m progressing with, from Food (Bal’s Bakery), Football (which I enjoy – and am coaching a team!) and….. well, there’s a few more I’m working on, and will share more soon!