Old Tech

What you have Vs What you (actually) use

I’m sat at my dining table this Sunday morning. It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, and after a busy summer… and after a few busy weeks talking to people about tech and some of the headwinds approaching – thought it’d be appropriate to share my thoughts.

Everything is getting expensive. We know this. Prices of essentials (food, energy, etc…) are increasing. With this in mind, it’s good to do a review of your technology landscape.

What devices do you have/own – and what do you use.

Now, usually… we’d have our phone, maybe a tablet (iPad or an Android version), and some more. It’s that ‘some more’ that we need to focus on. Do we have old phones in the drawer that we don’t use?

Now would be a good time to have a clear out.

But remember… delete and reset the device! The last thing you want is something else having your information and data. Delete your profiles and information… then reset the device. Hard reset. Delete the device (factory reset) if you have the option.

The reason to have a look at what you own and what you use is because, devices have evolved so much – that one or two devices will do what several used to do.

I know this was rapidly increased a while back – but even today, some of our phones and devices are so good and have so much built in, it makes you think… do I need anything else?

We’ll see more of the above.

In fact, we’re seeing it now. New cars can be controlled from your phone. Home heating systems can be controlled from your phone.

What else do you think can be done from your from today (or in the next few years?)

So when you have the opportunity, summarise what you own and what you use. Then start to clear out. Sell devices or items you don’t use any more – invest that money you get to upgrade or have something newer that will last you a few extra years.