
Technology…with Love.

Valentines Day soon. Very soon. This week, in fact. And if you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering, what do I buy!?!

Yes, you could head over to Pandora and buy some more jewellery… or you could get something from Amazon… where you’re more than likely to spend a few hours, searching… and going round in circles from one gift idea to another.

I thought… why not share my top 3 tech gift ideas for your loved one!

1. Apple iWatch

If your partner hasn’t already got one – this is a must, in my opinion.

Series 3 is the latest one. Full connectivity and does everything you’d want in a tech-loaded watch, from tracking your fitness to taking calls… from sending ‘I love you’ messages to notifications suggesting you ‘breathe’.

They’re £329… just think of the expression on your partners face, when you share your thoughts on how many calories they should be burning a day.

2. Headphones

We’re more and more using tablets and our phones to watch videos. So why not purchase a nice set of headphones to ensure the listening pleasure is as good as the viewing.

There’s a variety of headphones that are available… and there’s some great makes, but i’m going to play it fairly safe and go for something that’s not all about the branding… but about the beat.

That’s right – Dr Dre’s Beats.

Now, whilst looking around, I noticed there’s some great offers available!… for example, check this out…

3. Power Bank

It’s all about budgets. The iWatch is expensive… but worth every penny. The headphones is a mid-range present.. but if you’re thinking, Bal… I don’t really have that sort of money to spend, but would like to buy something tech related and something nice for my partner… what could I buy?

Well… these days, we seems to be needing to charge and power, virtually everything. From watch’s to phones, from cars to Sony’s Aibo (the robotic dog). So why not purchase a power bank.

That’s right… a power bank!

This is a Tecknet power bank, that is available on Amazon. Good quality… good ratings… good to power up anything! And let’s be honest, it’s one of those things that isn’t glamorous… nor is it sexy, but it’s realiable, trusting and always there when you need a little ‘pick me up’.

Obviously, other types and brands are available, and there’s great variety on some of the leading on-line stores…. like Amazon.

There were other tech items you could purchase for your loved one, I did think of Fitbits, but thought the iWatch does much more.

There’s rings that store your personal data… but then, this could get a little complicated and what happens if you lost your ring… you’ll lose your personal data… but moreso, if it got in the wrong hands, that’s a bad thing!

You could also buy DIY electronic kits… Nintendo Switch’s… the list is quite endless. It’s all about, what your loved one will appreciate. And i’m sure, one of the above with some flowers… will do the trick!


Throwback Thursday… my days at Kodak!

I thought I’d relive some of my old memories… And one to start off with, is my time at Kodak.

That’s right- I used to work for Kodak. In fact, it was my first ‘proper’ job.

By that, I mean – I had several summer jobs, and other side jobs… to earn some spare cash which I’d spend on my car… (BMW 318iS Coupe – just for reference!).

So what did you do at Kodak, Bal? – Well… I was one of the five graduates for the year that I started. I know… Out of hundreds and hundreds off applicants, they chose me… as one of five… to join them!

To answer the question – I was a graduate, rotating for 2 yrs within Kodak, experiencing various projects, programmes and activities. It was here that I worked for someone who is an inspiration… and for someone whom I lucky to call Sensei today (but more on this topic another day).

Kodak was a great place… for those who remember, the makers of film, paper and other photographic products. Huge factory in Harrow… UK, is where I was based. Rochester, New York was the home of Kodak in the USA.

Unfortunately, film declined… due to Digital Cameras… and we all know how the rest of the story goes.

Kodak is used in many ‘innovation’ presentations – highlighting how ‘digital destroyed a huge company’. Didn’t fully destroy it.. but definitely disrupted the industry.

Kodak is still going! – I know… I get my pension letters from them! – well, what’s happening to my pension, i’m a few years away from withdrawing it.

It’s funny… because Kodak actually invented the digital camera (also, isn’t it funny, we don’t actually use the term ‘digital’ when we talk about cameras – it’s just the norm…)

The problem was – we.. I mean Kodak, were making so much money from film, they decided to keep it under lock and key – and invest the minimum amount into it.

As mentioned, we all know how the story goes… and digital cameras became the norm, Kodak were late to the party… in fact, they weren’t that late, they quickly ramped up and started making them to meet customer demand… but as people didn’t need film… didn’t need paper to print on… the core business was shaken, and the fortunes of Kodak changed forever.

It’s easy to sit here now… and say, well, they should’ve done more… should’ve have done this and that… but when you’ve got huge sums of money rolling in… why should you? why should you fear? – you’re huge… you’re Global… you’ve got thousands and thousands of people working…

There’s one key lesson we can all learn… don’t get comfortable.

Someone, somewhere…. somehow… will come and disrupt.

What can you do? – Collaborate. Engage. Understand. Explore.


Technology and getting hands on…

You may recall, I shared a blog post towards end of last year about Lego – and how they were encouraging children to play with Lego and learn about robotics – introducing technology with Lego.

It’s always a hard one. Children these days, do spend a lot of time on tablets and consoles. Either playing games, on social media or just watching YouTube videos of someone jumping up and down.

It’s beginning to change… Nintendo have recently decided to introduce the Labo… and hoping to encourage children (and adults) to not just play on their Switch, but learn by making items out of cardboard and interacting with it.

The Labo is a do-it-yourself cardboard kit, that offer projects for children to make and learn from, with the Switch.

For example, you could make a piano out of cardboard, insert the Switch.. and then learn and play the piano! Rather than tapping on a screen… you actually pressing down on keys (admittedly made out of cardboard, but remember… learning should be fun!)

You can make a remote control car… a motorbike… and a few other items. There’ll also be a Robot kit. An interactive cardboard robot!

Couple of reasons why I think this is great –

  1. Really brings out the ‘engineer’ in the children…. get them physically making things… thinking how it works, how it goes together and how it will work. They could even make improvements… make a larger piano (if possible)… there’s so much that can be engineered out of cardboard. And it’s all in a safe learning environment.
  2. Moving away from the screen – Technology is great. But too much screen time, isn’t that good. This allows children to a) move away from the screen for a short duration and b) learn how technology with real life moving interactive items are connected and how they can be controlled to perform certain actions….

The Switch is a great console – and there’s data to back that up, by record sales figures… and this is a great add-on, which will only make the console more appealing and further increase those sales.

So, if you were thinking what to get… and what to make… here you go… make – play – discover.



Wow… 1 year already!

Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun!

It’s been a year – since I first started blogging – admittedly, my first post wasn’t all that inspiring

Indeed – I was sharing my thoughts on Tumblr and decided to switch to a wordpress site. I think this gave me more control of my content and the ability to share more easily through the various social media outlets i’m active on.

Then there was a plug for me at the Sales Innovation Expo…

That’s right – I was on stage talking…

That was an awesome event – there was even a video made of the event, which featured me! – (you can skip to 1:50… to hear me)

Ok… you want a short video of me actually talking… during my talk? – here’s a 1 minute highlight! – and Yes! – I talk about Pizza!!

And all of that… just in the month of January of 2017!

Have to admit – it’s been great sharing my thoughts and opinions on my blog – and also appreciate the guests I’ve had on sharing their thoughts.

But are people reading it, Bal?

Yes! – I know, crazy right?! – But the stats show me, that over the past 12 months, I’ve had on average 450 people per month read my blogs! – Massive Thank You to those who’ve subscribed and take time out to read.

So when I initially started – I thought, let’s give it a go! I’ll try it for a year, and see how it goes. If no-one reads it…. I’ll leave it.

However, if people do read it and there’s interest then I’ll keep going and building on it… and looks like… there’s a few folk out there who do read it… therefore, i’ll keep on going!

As promised – more interesting content around the latest technology… more innovative ideas being shared and the usual Bal’s Friday Thought.

So, if you’re sat there thinking… I’ve got an idea… but not sure if it’ll work or if I should give it a go…. I say, do it! – Give it a go! – try it for a short period of time… see what the data says and then make a decision… a pivot, if you invest more time and effort or if you park it and try something else.

I did just that. And my pivot point is telling me… to carry on 🙂


Tuesday Thoughts…

A thought… for today. What are you spending your time and energy on…


Literally, Anything is Possible…

So you may have recently read via my twitter account, that for some time… I’ve been talking about Bal’s Kitchen.

What is Bal’s Kitchen?

Great question! – it’s a Kitchen, that’s ran by Bal! – (That’s me, by the way).

What’s unique about this?

Well…. quite a few things.

a) As I’ve travelled around the world, I always like to try the local cuisine, be it the shark in Bangkok, Thailand or the deep fried chicken in Atlanta, US… I must try what the locals eat. Makes me appreciate my local Fish and Chips (with mushy Peas) back home.

b) Cultures – every culture is different and fascinates me. From my Indian heritage, where we eat food with our hands… to the Chinese chopsticks, to the traditional knife and fork… for my fish and chips (with mushy Peas and mint sauce).

c) People! – Remember my 3P? – People, Process and Purpose. I feel, especially in an eatery… people, either those cooking, in charge or just waiting on you… are extremely important. I’ve experienced some rude folk… friendly folk… best of all, at Mary Mac’s Tea Room in Atlanta, where you have a friendly lady come over, asks how you are… how your day was… and gives you a little back rub!

Yep, that’s Adam, myself and Jo Carter – Goodwill Ambassador at Mary Mac’s, Atlanta. (side note – you must check out Adam’s photo’s on Insta – @adamparkmanphoto)

So there’s a few things that will make Bal’s Kitchen unique… and yes – a Goodwill Ambassador is on the list!

So, can I really do it? – well… that’s the big question.

Is it really possible? – as the saying goes… Anything is Possible.

I needed some additional motivation to really get it going… and boy did I get it recently.

Now, if you’ve heard about the Shed at Dulwich – that was my little kick that I needed! – if you haven’t heard about it… keep on reading!

So, i’m not going to explain the whole story about the Shed at Dulwich, but i’m going to let you watch the video clip below – be warned, it’s about 18minutes long.. but it’s the best 18 minutes you’ll spend if you need some motivation… or a ‘kick up the backside’ to get going!

There’s one key lesson out of all of this… you can sit there and say, I wouldn’t be able to do it, I can’t do it… I’ll never be a a success… I can never get to number 1… blah…blah…blah… BUT! – if you really want something, you can achieve it.

Now the moral of the story is… how a shed in Dulwich.. went from ranking 18 thousand something on Trip Advisor to being Number 1.

Wasn’t done the right way (and we’ll discuss the ethics another day)… but the key learning is… Literally, Anything is Possible.




‘Hook me up on Insta…’

This week, I was at a team meeting over in Madrid, Spain.

It was a lovely location, quite near the city… and walking distance to some really good restaurants, where I was able to take photos of the tasty food.

During the meeting, we had the usual on the tables… paper, pens… water… and some jelly beans.

Okay, it might be a bit out of the norm to have jelly beans, but we had several packets on the table.

Now, one of these packets was next to me, and I picked it up… had a look and placed it back down. No… I didn’t have any, on a little diet… New Year, New Me and all that.

Anyhow, what I did notice were the social media images on the back of the pack.

Now, usually – I probably wouldn’t have looked twice… but where the contact details usually are… there were social media icons. Is this the new norm? – if you want to contact them, find them on facebook, twitter, etc… and then reach out to them…?

Now, let’s be honest… we’re all on Facebook… or Twitter (or both!)… Instagram…. And I’m sure, we’ve all watched a video or two on YouTube. We know these channels very well. So it’s normal for us to be on them… for us to connect with brands (as well as friends, family, etc…)… and then be able to contact them.

And more importantly… it’s great! – you don’t have to email… you don’t have to write a letter… just when you’re posting that photo of you on the beach onto Facebook to share with your friends, why not connect with the brand and let them know your thoughts.

But moreso… what got me was…. Just icons where there. No words. That’s right… it didn’t say ‘Facebook’… it just have the logo…. It didn’t say ‘Instagram’… just the logo. Which means, these social media platforms, which have millions and millions of users… don’t need to be described or explained.

And I’ve noticed… we are using less and less words when communicating.

Take for example, Emoji’s.

One emoji = words. Could be several words. Could even be a whole sentence!

Are we moving back in time… to the era of hieroglyphics?

It’s fine. It doesn’t matter how you communicate. As long as you do communicate.

New Ways of Communication.

New Channels to your customers.

It’s about knowing your customer.

Not everyone should be using emoji’s or pictures. If you audience are elderly folk… you’ll probably need some printed, large text, leaflets and materials. But… what if your audience are young. What if your audience are on Snapchat all the time… what if your audience have more photo’s with Snapchat filters than… without!

Comes back to the basic principles of Lean. Start with the customer.

And it’s even easier these days… with the amount of data that’s available, for you to do an analysis on your customers… understand how they’re communicating and how they’d like to be communicated to.

So in summary….

  1. Have a Social Media Strategy – Everyone (nearly everyone) is on social media. Find out which is the right one for you… and understand how you can use the channels effectively.
  2. Execute your strategy – Content is King! – That’s right, build some engaging materials to share with your customers. Make them feel part of the familia.
  3. Increase your Digital Footprint – many of you are probably doing this already, but increase your on-line presence… be clear, what and where you’re sharing, informing and communicating. Because at the end of the day, you want to be Lean… in a Digital World.

Oh, and by the way… if you are on Insta and want to ‘hook up’ with me… in other words, connect… my username is @mrbalbansal… but I’ll warn you now…. It’s full of photo’s of cars, buildings… and food (which I had in Madrid!).

And…. finally, there’s many great people – who share some fantastic information and insights, but limit themselves to one platform. If expanded… think of the possibilities!



Kicking the year off with CES 2018

What is CES Bal?

CES stands for the Consumer Electronics Show, and is held early January, every year…. where all the top folk who are interested in everything that is electronics (technology) related, gather for a few days…. oh… and, it’s usually held in Las Vegas.

Now, this year – is no different.

There’s various top speakers….

There’s various categories…. (for example, cars)

That’s right- anyone, anywhere, who’s doing something with regards to technology…. is there.

It’s great for people to share… collaborate and educate.

Now, as this goes on for a few days, and there’s all sorts of workshops, presentations, meetings, etc… taking place…. I’ve been doing my research, and found the top 3 items, what people are talking about (and the ones which have been winning awards!)

First up…. we have Sony, and their pet dog. Say ‘hello’ to Aibo, the pet robot dog…

Have a dog? Tired of washing it… picking up its poo….? Well, guess what… for a cool $1,800 you could have this robot dog.

Packed with various sensors on its back, chin, head, etc…. camera in it’s nose (to recognize family members) and OLED eyes…. it seems to be the perfect family pet to have! 2 hours of play… 3 hours of charge… and it even has a camera on it’s back to navigate it’s way to the charging station.

Oh, it’s also got 22 actuators… which means… it’s moving and shaking, in a very realistic manner – or at least, better than any previous models.

Sony are shipping this lovely creatures… can I call them that? – anyway, they’re being shipped with the price tag and a monthly subscription of $27. I personally don’t know the cost of owning a ‘real dog’, but… just the element of not having to pick up poo is warming to me….

Up next… Transportation… say hello to Bell Helicopter, the first flying taxi (in partnership with Uber).

That’s right – step into the first flying taxi.

Uber have been saying for a while – how they’ve been looking at Uber helicopters… Uber planes….. Uber Ice Cream vans…. (we’ll save that for another day). But it looks like their partnership with Bell is ringing in some alarming changes to the way we travel today.

Who needs roads anyway? So congested all the time! – forget that… hit me up to the skies. Bell, bought their cabin to the CES to show, the art of the possible and what they’ve been working on.

Matter of time these electronic helicopters will be cutting down our travel time….

Up next… we have The Wall! – no, not from that obstacle course show from TV… (Ninja Warrior)… but this is from Samsung.

A 146 inch… micro-LED modular built TV.

Built of lots of little micro-LED’s… allows Samsung to vary the size of the TV… So, throw out that little 32 inch you got in the corner of your living room, and start making space for The Wall!

No pricing yet from the fridge and washing machine manufacturer but we’ll soon be seeing these on the high street… or at least on their website, for on-line ordering.

There you go… my top 3 from the CES this year.

Usually, Vegas is sunny and lovely during Jan… I know, i’ve been… but this year, there’s been rain! – That’s right.. the Gods above us, have showered Vegas with some droplets… which have caused blackouts… parts of CES being closed, and therefore – people missing presentations and meetings.

It’s put a little ‘damper’ on the whole event… but with that out of the way, there’s plenty of great stuff going on… even having Alexa sing… ‘I can see clearly now… the rain has gone….’


Business lessons from Forest…

When it comes to football, most of you will know, that i’m a Nottingham Forest supporter.

Now… yesterday, was an FA Cup match. Nottingham Forest (who are currently mid-table in the Championship with a caretaker manager in charge and a string of no-wins in recent form) Vs Arsenal (long term manager who’s won several trophies with the club, sat 6th in the English Premier League).

So, what was the score Bal?

Yep – that’s right… Nottingham Forest 4 – Arsenal 2.

We beat them! – Against all the odds and expectations… we beat them!

Now, there’s various reasons why we beat them… but i’m going to focus on a few, and how businesses can learn from these…

1. Talent Development.

Out of the team, there were 6 players who have come through the academy at Nottingham Forest. That means, the football club have invested in training and developing these young players.

Business Lesson – Invest in your Talent. As Richard Branson always says, your employees, the people working for you, are your biggest asset – Train them well. 

2. Young Players

Seven of the players in the team were under the age of 23… Ben Bereton (18), Jordan Smith (23), Kieran Dowell (20). Joe Worrall (20), to name a few. The average age of the team was younger than the average age of the Arsenal team – yet the manager of Arsenal wanted to field a group of ‘young’ players.

Business Lesson – Bring some young folk into the business, they’ll have fresh and new ideas. Look at various startups (such as Facebook & Snapchat) and their CEO ages… and then there’s the Forbes 30 Under 30. 

3. Goals and Action Plan

The aim of the game was to win. To go out, enjoy and win. How do you win? – well, by scoring more goals! – Eric Lichaj got 2 (of which the second was a wonderful goal), then there were two penalities, from which Ben aged 18 scored and Kieran scored.

Business Lesson – Have some clear and concise goals, with an Action Plan. What do you want to achieve, by when and how. Sounds simple, right? – yet many organisations have goals, though they’re complicated, too many words, unachievable… or not communicated correctly. 

Just to expand on the latter – there was a motivation for Eric to be scoring those goals – his wife promised, if he scores a hat-trick (3 goals in a game), he can have a dog!

Don’t believe me? – watch this…

So, a few simple lessons… from the footballing world… to the business world… train your employees well, bring in some young folk and have clear goals & objectives.

There were obviously other factors, such as being well organized, more passion… and a huge desire to win. We’ll talk about those in another post…



AI could potentially save the NHS £300m!

Many of you, who follow me on Twitter (@balbansal) will know, I recently shared, that I’ve been invited to talk at Oxford University.

For me, this is a big deal! – Let’s just take a moment – Oxford. University. What an institution. What a place. What history.

So, you may be wondering – what am going to talk about?

Well.. i’m going to be sharing my thoughts about AI. Without going into too much detail here – because that would a) give away what’s in my presentation and b) it’s not fair on the folk who have paid and are attending… I will be talking about AI now… and AI in the future.

There’s been a rapid rise in AI… and it’s only going to get stronger… bigger and more clever!

For those, unfamiliar with the term – AI is Artificial Intelligence.

What is AI?….

“Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks.

Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing.

Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.”

Or as I would say, – it’s the development of computer systems which are able to perform tasks, normally requiring human intelligence.

Now, there was a great story in the news recently – about how the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK could potentially save £300m! by using AI.

Currently cardiologists in hospitals can tell from the timing of the heartbeat in scans if there is a problem. Now even, the best of humans or in this case, Doctors, can get it incorrect – and statistics show, this could be up to 1 in 5 cases.

After the scan, patients are either sent home and have a heart attack or they undergo an unnecessary operation (I know what you’re thinking… what a waste of money… because it’s unnecessary!)

But what has happened is, an artificial intelligence system has been developed at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford which diagnoses heart scans much more accurately. It can pick up details in the scans that doctors can’t see!

It’s suggested there are around 60,000 heart scans carried out a year, out of which 12,000 are mis-diagnosed. Reports suggest, using AI… the NHS could save around £300m a year.

And this is why, I wanted to share this story on my blog. 1 – we’re eliminating/reducing errors and 2 – Saving money!… and all this is because of Artificial Intelligence.

And back to my original point – there’s some great work being done by men and women wearing white coats. They are, on a daily basis saving peoples life’s… but what if,… what if computers could help. What if, the knowledge (intelligence) they have…  was used by computer systems to perform certain tasks… which resulted in saving money… and saving, more life’s…

You’re probably wondering… how much would all this cost?

If the current trials that are taking place are shown to be a success (early indicators show, that it is performing as expected)… it would be free to NHS hospitals.