Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

One snippet, one moment… is all it takes for someone to form an impression. To form that opinion. To form that picture by which they’ll judge you.

Usually, there’s much more going on. Much much more.

Social Media has made it so easy for us to assume from a persons single post or comment.

Whilst everyone chooses different things to share at different parts of the day, week, month… just remember, what we see isn’t always the full picture.

Old Tech

What you have Vs What you (actually) use

I’m sat at my dining table this Sunday morning. It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post, and after a busy summer… and after a few busy weeks talking to people about tech and some of the headwinds approaching – thought it’d be appropriate to share my thoughts.

Everything is getting expensive. We know this. Prices of essentials (food, energy, etc…) are increasing. With this in mind, it’s good to do a review of your technology landscape.

What devices do you have/own – and what do you use.

Now, usually… we’d have our phone, maybe a tablet (iPad or an Android version), and some more. It’s that ‘some more’ that we need to focus on. Do we have old phones in the drawer that we don’t use?

Now would be a good time to have a clear out.

But remember… delete and reset the device! The last thing you want is something else having your information and data. Delete your profiles and information… then reset the device. Hard reset. Delete the device (factory reset) if you have the option.

The reason to have a look at what you own and what you use is because, devices have evolved so much – that one or two devices will do what several used to do.

I know this was rapidly increased a while back – but even today, some of our phones and devices are so good and have so much built in, it makes you think… do I need anything else?

We’ll see more of the above.

In fact, we’re seeing it now. New cars can be controlled from your phone. Home heating systems can be controlled from your phone.

What else do you think can be done from your from today (or in the next few years?)

So when you have the opportunity, summarise what you own and what you use. Then start to clear out. Sell devices or items you don’t use any more – invest that money you get to upgrade or have something newer that will last you a few extra years.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

There’s a lot of time, people spend, in trying to please others.

I once shared a Friday Thought… if you want to please everybody, buy an ice cream van.

Truth be told… it’s a need to be liked. To be accepted. To be part…. But the real truth is, you lose yourself. Don’t. You are you. You are unique. You are awesome.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

My Friday Thought today is… Efforts reflect interest.

The more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

The more you tend to it, the bigger it’ll grow.

The higher the effort, the larger the gain.

The more you’re interested, the more effort you’ll put in.

Enjoy what you do…

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

So I’ve finally finished the book by Steven Bartlett – Happy Sexy Millionaire.

I’ll honest, I didn’t really want to read it at first – but once I got into it, and half through – absolutely loved it! What a great book. There’s some nuggets of information that will stay with me – and I encourage you to go out and buy the book and read it. My Friday Thought today is a photo from one of the pages in the book… talking about the time we have on this planet.

We all talk about how much time we have, and how it’s limited. But do we really?

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

First and foremost – apologies.

I know a few of you have reached out to me, asking – where’s my blog posts, where’s my Friday Thought… can I share an update on particular tech, what do I think of the latest gadgets, etc…

I’ll be honest. It’s not that I had too much going on. It’s just someone, made a few comments, that seemed to suggest, I shouldn’t be posting as much.

I started this blog several years ago. I know I don’t have millions of readers – and you know what, that’s absolutely fine. Because, what I do know… is there are some readers. And they engage with me. And I know I’m making a difference.

So, I had to re-collect my thoughts. Think about, the purpose of this blog – and then do what I want to do.

And with that, I give you my Friday Thought… I’ve been following Steven for a while, and really do like his perspective on life…

Dream Big

New Year… New Goals!

Happy New Year!

Hope you had a nice Christmas and a lovely start to 2022!

And following on from my previous blog post – you may have set some new goals and objectives for 2022. Whatever they might be, hope that you are successful.

Hope. What a word. In fact, to share with you – I received a book for Christmas which I’m currently reading. It’s the follow up to, ‘the subtle art of not giving a f*ck’. This one is called, Everything is f*cked. So far, great read! Anyway – back to goals… and in fact, I don’t ‘hope’ you achieve and accomplish them… because you’ve got to plan to achieve them!

So, I recently shared an excellent article via my Linkedin profile – all about taking your big goal… and then breaking it down to monthly achievements.

Here’s a link to the article –

One thing that I loved about the article was the ability to breakdown your goal (and be ambitious) to monthly goals. It’s simple when you think about it, right? – for example.. you wouldn’t eat a whole cake at once… you’d most probably slice it up! then consume a slice at a time.

And likewise with your goal – break it down…

What I’d love to hear from you is what your main goal is for 2022?

What is it, that you’d like to achieve?

I’ve written my goal on my wall. I’m now in the process of breaking it down per month. And then, I’m holding myself accountable by sharing these monthly goals with a few close friends – so, we have a quick call at the end of the month, and I have to report back to them – how well (or not) I’m progressing – and any corrective action I need to take.

This is all simple stuff really. But putting it into action is the hardest.

Oh, and if you’re unsure what goal you should have… I refer to my previous blog post. What do you enjoy? What do you like? What is your passion? and work on that…

And if allowed in 2022 (depending on restrictions etc… because of covid), I’ll be holding some Ted-type talks! We were meant to hold them in November 2021, but unfortunately, we couldn’t due to a number of issues. We’ll overcome them. And if you’d like to come, listen and grasp a few golden nuggets of information… stay tuned to my blog posts and I’ll keep you updated!

On that note…. write down your goals, enjoy that cup of coffee and share what you’re going to do with me!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s 2021 Thought…

It’s Friday. Usually I have Bal’s Friday Thought on a Friday. But today, it’s a 2021 thought. That’s right – I’m thinking about the year that’s just gone.

What a year. Let’s be honest. A alot happened, right? Whilst a lot happened, we were still restricted and a lot didn’t happen. Covid still lingers in the air. Mutations of the virus are with us – and we are still having to be careful. Flights, holidays, etc… not the ‘normal’ as we expected. But the main thing is, if you’re reading this, you’re alive.

Unfortunately, in 2021 – I attended more funerals than I actually wanted to. Sad times – and a few tears shed. Some were unexpected – in fact, most were unexpected. And that’s why I’m grateful, to be able to continue to do what I enjoy.

Now, whilst I don’t have a tech review of the year – what I do have, is a great review from who share their ‘biggest business moments’ from 2021 –

NFT art in Hong Kong, China. Getty Images

Whilst we all learnt a lot in 2021, and technology (and business) grew more advanced – with some super rich people going into space (the billionaire space race)… I took some time to reflect locally.

For me, I was on BBC Radio quite often, to share my thoughts on technology (and other topics when on BBC Asian Network). And it’s something I’ll continue into 2022. We often do an exercise at the end of a project – what went well – and what we need to improve. A lessons learnt type of exercise. So we can improve and get better. The interesting thing here is, I’m doing something similar for myself. What is it that I should continue… and what should I improve on.

One thing for this blog, which I’ve been doing for a few years, is to improve what I talk about. I’ve mainly shared articles on technology, motivational elements and how we can improve (as people). I will continue to do that. But improve with more videos, and providing more information. I do need some help though. It’d be great if you could ask questions, share your thoughts… help with building more content. Recently, I was asked about Christmas presents. Which I shared a blog post. Then I was asked for ‘lower cost’ presents. Which I did. And the great thing there was, it helped a few people. I know this. From the replies I received. Thank you.

In general – there’s a number of things I’ll continue as-is… but there’ll be things I want to improve. As I make my list… it’d be great for you to share via the comments section below, what you want to improve on. Could it be health? Could it be to train and learn a particular skill? or could it be, you want to follow your passion? Speaking recently to a family member, they’re a teacher… but love to clean cars. I mean, really clean cars. Like, detail them. And they’re seriously considering, quitting their job, and clean… sorry, detail… cars for a living. I personally, think it’s a great idea! Follow your passion – if your finances allow you to, great! If they don’t, make a plan… and when the time does come that you’re financially able to follow your passion – do it. Because, you never know – when your time will come and you end up in a box and that’s it. So whilst you’re on this planet – enjoy your life and do something that brings a smile to your face… just like this family member who got a small vacuum cleaner (with liquids and water, and all sorts) to be used in cars for christmas and was absolutely in love with it! (Honestly… not seen a grown man, talk so passionately about a vacuum cleaner.. in fact, whilst he was showing me, is stayed in between us the whole evening! (that is the sign of true love!).

And if you don’t know what your passion is, try different things. Experiment. Talk. Understand. Watch youtube videos. Just do something – and try. You’ll find it. And on that journey, you’ll pick up lots of other skills.

So with that, I hope you have fun seeing what you want to continue into 2022, what you want to improve on in 2022… and wish you, an awesome New Year. Thank you so much for supporting me and reading my blogs in 2021.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

What change would you like to see?

Change doesn’t come easy.

You have to work hard for it. Push for it.

It’s all about wanting a better, a different tomorrow.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Quite a deep one today.

Mainly reflecting on a few things – personal, professional and one that has been hurting me for a few days. Well, since Wednesday night. Since, Nottingham Forest – who’d been in the Top 6 of the Championship since 26th December… fell to 7th place (and out of the play off places) at the 91st minute of the last game of the season.

My heart broke.

But – having reflected (and gone through the change curve) I strongly believe… that if certain things remain in place – and we improve on our weak areas, we will grow.

Growth in general – is uncomfortable. Because, if you are comfortable – are you learning and growing?