Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Chapter 3 People!

And this was a really good one…

Now… it’s not rocket science.

If you want to make it in life – you’ve got to work hard.

What comes easy…. goes easy. But when you work super hard for something, you know it’s going to stay with you.

Before I joined the graduate programme for Kodak – I received some really good advice. It was…’make as many mistakes as you can when you’re young because a) people will forgive you and b) you’ll learn. When you’re older… people aren’t as forgiving’.

Awesome advice.

And I made a fair few mistakes – but most importantly, learnt from them. But you’ll only make those mistakes if you’re working. In the book, Arnold talks about working your ass off.

How many of us can seriously say we work super hard on particular topics and subjects?

I remember… when I was at Coca-Cola, I did a Kaizen activity (if you don’t know what that is – I’ll let you google it). It was a week long event, we had people fly in from all over Europe, USA, etc… The preperation was intense, the Kaizen week was even more intense… and then post event, there were so many actions. I remember leaving home super early to get to the office that week and then coming home really late every day. Everyone used to work from home on Friday – but there I was, with one or two others, and the cleaners late Friday typing up notes and sorting out the flipcharts and post-it notes. I worked my ass off for that Kaizen event… and it paid dividends. The senior leadership noticed, It was in the newsletter… but more importantly, we saved something like 80 hours of processing time, halved the number of process errors, etc… It was a huge win!

It really is about working your ass off to be the best. To be really good at what you enjoy. What you do and more importantly, when you are working your ass off on something you enjoy – it’s fun! That late Friday in the office, I was enjoying it! Myself along with the other two folk (and the cleaners) had some music going in the office, and we were enjoying it!

In the book… Arnold talks about 24 hours. I use this alot also when people ask me, how do you find the time to do everything.

You have 24 hours in a day

Let’s say you work for 8. And then, you may sleep for 8. That leaves you with 8 hours.

Now, for example… you’ve got to commute to work, you may spend time with family, eating etc… (Arnold breaks this alot better in the book than what I have in this blog)… so let’s say, all that takes about 4 hours.

You’re left with 4 hours free a day. Let’s put 2 hours aside for catching up on things, traffic perhaps, and other stuff which you may not account for.

In a day – you can easily have, around 2 hours free. What are you doing with those 2 hours?

Most are mindlessly scrolling through social media. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Check your screen time on your phone. How much time in a day or week do you spend doing that.

Be more productive.

So today’s thought is… work your ass off. Seriously, work hard and achieve something special. Those 2 hours a day, you could easily start going to the gym and improve your health. You could even just walk for an hour a day – imagine the health benefits of that. You could start a new hobby… Anything. Just pick something, for which you have passion for and work your ass off.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

So I’m going to continue through the chapters of the book I’m reading that’s been written by Arnold.

Today’s thought centres around…

Chapter 2 was great!

Recently, I was on a call with my mentor. We were having a chat and he stopped and said, Bal… you need to think bigger.

I was like – what do you mean bigger… He said, you’re thinking too small! It was like he’d read this chapter before we’d had our conversation! (He hadn’t by the way!)

We think next steps. Baby steps sometimes – which can be ok. But what is the bigger picture?

In the vision board – how big did you go? Some people say they want to write a book. That’s great. But do you want it to be a ‘best seller’? Or just another book? You got to think big. Bigger than what you’re thinking. If you’re aspiring to be an actor, do you want to act in a few films or act and win awards? Oscars?

This chapter in Arnold’s book really made me think – that you have to think big. Think big and bold. Not just want you’re going to achieve in a few years (whilst short term planning is important) you have to think bigger… 10 years. 15 years. 20 years. What is it that you want to achieve? What kind of legacy do you want to build?

I recently finished the book, ‘psychology of money’. Great read! I’ll talk about that another day. But one thing that it talks about is, compund interest. How over long period of times, your money will grow – and grow and grow. Don’t look short term. Think long term. I’ve done something similar, where about 15 years ago – I opened a savings account. And I put in £100 per month. It’s one of these that is a shares savings account (for those in the UK – Stocks and Shares ISA). Now, it’s grown. Every 4 or 5 years, I check it and see how it’s doing, do I need to change anything but in all honesty – I’ve just let it grow! Now when I opened it, I jokingly called it my ‘Lamborghini Fund’. I thought one day, I might have enough to put a deposit on a Lamborghini. Priorities have changed since then – but you know what give it some more time… and I won’t be far off! That was me thinking big then!! Then I was driving a 8 year old VW Golf diesel – but I was thinking big about a Lamborghini.

So to wrap up today’s Friday Thought… don’t think small. Think big… think huge! And dare to dream because you need to chase those dreams… as they will become reality one day.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Yes.. it’s back! My Friday Thought is back!! And I’m taking some inspiration from a book I’m currently reading…

I got the book at Christmas – and wasn’t sure how good it’d be. But honestly, reading the first chapter – love it.

There’s a sense of honesty (Arnold uses words he would normally say.. like bullsh*t etc..), transparency and openness. I think, these elements make the book a great read.

And so to my Friday Thought… it’s on the first chapter of the book…

I won’t share my full story here about my vision – but in the book, Arnold talks about having a vision. I’m not going to relay everything Arnold says – you have to buy the book and read it – but in all honesty, it’s very true with some great examples from him.

You have to have a vision of what you want to be, where you are going and where you want to be.

For me, when growing up – I loved cars. Had a poster of a Ferrari F40 on my wall. Loved them. When I went to university, in my first year, I studied Automotive Engineering. But a chance encounter with a Professor, said there’s more opportunities for me if I did something like Mechanical or Manufacturing Engineering… and so I switched and I think that was the right thing to do because then I got my first job at Kodak.

I’ve never had a vision board as such, always looked at cars (which is one of my passions) and thought, would love to drive that one day. Not necessarily own… but definitely drive.

Even from a career perspective… I’ve always wanted to be in a particular position and have a particular title (I’ll share more about what this is/was in another blog post!)

So how do you have a clear vision… well, a vision board might help! And rather than me explain it, I thought… why not have Lily Singh explain it to you…

So my Friday Thought is…. inspired from Arnold…. Have a Clear Vision.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

I know… it’s been a while! I appreciate your understanding! But more importantly… where is 2024 going?! March already!!!!

I am trying to blog more – sharing more of my thoughts on technology, people and processes… all are important in today’s world. And for today’s friday thought, it’s very much around vibes.

I do often look and feel for vibes… good or bad. And when you get good vibes… Enjoy!

You should too… look out for vibes. Feel the vibes.

Vibes are important because it’s a form of communication that can be so powerful, it leaves you with thoughts, memories and/or experiences.

What is a Vibe? (the below is taken from the Cambridge Dictionary)

The mood of a place, situation, person, etc. and the way that they make you feel:

laid-back vibe The city is famous for its laid-back vibe.

vibe of I loved the overall vibe of the place but the food wasn’t that great.

The music has a soothing vibe.

I didn’t like the place—it had bad vibes.

I was getting some weird vibes from him—I don’t think he liked me.

Dream Big

Lessons from Ancient Rome – Part 1

Recently, I just completed a certificate program at the Cornell University. The course itself, was called – ‘Lessons from Ancient Rome’. And I’ll be honest, it as fantastic!

There were so many takeaways… my top one, which I’d like to share today was about, knowing when to step down.

Julius Ceasar. Legend. Not only was a salad named after him but a month too! Crazy!

(The salad was a joke – I’ll explain in Part 2 why I made that joke).

So, this guy, in essence ruled for a long time. The problem was, he was great to start with but then… he became so embroiled in his own deamour that he lost the confidence in the people around him. And that ultimately led to his downfall.

Now.. why was this my favourite part? Because over this module, it was explained to me… to know when is the right time to take a step back. When to stop and when to know that it’s time for someone else to take over.

I see it everyday. I see it at my local Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) where some of the older folk are holding onto particular positions on the committee for dear life! (though they don’t have long to live themselves!!)

I see it in politics. I see it at work. I see it everywhere. So I thought to myself, why don’t people let go?

Because of Power.

Power is such a strong element – that when you have it, you don’t want to let go.

Remember the time, you were having your favourite meal – and towards the end, you’d enjoyed it so much but you thought, I could do that all over again, or I could eat more of the same. And if it was offered to you, you probably would continue to eat though it’s bad for your health and you’re just going to get fatter and be so indulgent that you’ll ignore signs from your body to stop.

It’s the same when you’re in a position of power.

Now, not everyone is like this. There are many people who will step away. Many people who know the time is up.

I know most of the folk who read this in the US may not be that overly familiar with the game Snooker.

There’s a chap, Ronnie O’Sullivan, he’s been world champ for a long time.. and for fun, he continues to play in all competitions. He made a very funny remark the other day which made me laugh… but also got me thinking…

This for me – sums it all up. Ronnie is the best. In the World. And he’s open for someone to come and win against him. He’s shared his ailments. Yet he continues, because no one can do better.

This is the same principle, for those in positions of power. Let others have a go and see if they’re better than you. If they can perform as good as you. If their ideas are better than yours. In sports – it can be slightly different to politics – but the principle of knowing when to give up is the same. In snooker, there were many great players who started to get beat and knew time was up.

But in positions of power – when you have it, you fear of getting beat. It’s the fear you need to let go off.

Awesome module this was… about leadership, and knowing when the right time is to leave, quit or move on. So many great examples of people who haven’t… and those who did. Sharing this so that you make the right decisions knowing when to step aside or move on for the betterment of the organisation.

Or if you’re like Ronnie… just carry on until someone can beat you!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Well, hope the first week of the new year has been good.

For me… it’s been busy! I was at Guru Nanak’s Mission on Monday – a local charity where I help cook for the homeless and vulnerable. Then work has been busy.. working till late. Last night, I was on a call with folks from my UEFA C course.

BUT… I did manage to, eat well (kind of), get some exercise in, read my new book and do some studying (I’m doing a course with Cornell University – called Leadership lessons from Ancient Rome).

You have to make sure you schedule these in… if not, then you’ll get tired very quickly and not be able to focus on the right things.

Show me your daily wins… maybe we can share them on social media and tag folks for encouragement.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Sometimes you ask, why me?!

There’ll always be a reason why. At that time, the chimp part of our brain won’t listen. It’ll bang on about why me, why not them, what’s happening, etc…

This is why think about the journey.

Think about the process.

And keep going – stay on track and believe in yourself.

You are your own strength and supporter.

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

Saw this wonderful quote on a poster, and thought it’s too good not to share with you.

There’s so much to digest… but for me, the last line is soooo important and the one that hits hard.

Bal's Friday Thought Uncategorized

Bal’s Friday Thought

I was recently watching some videos on Instagram. And there’s one that I’ve watched many times – and I love it. I usually refer to it on many occasions when I’m talking to others.

I’ve even written the first part of it, on my chalk board at home!

There’s so many takeaways you can have from the simple message. I take away that no matter what you’re planning, looking to, etc… focus on today. It’s similar to the book – The Power of Now. Focus on the now, the here and enjoy it. What you do today will help you in the future… that’s why enjoy the present moment.

And if you’re thinking… Bal, that’s great – but what is the rest of it?

Well, here you go… Enjoy!

Bal's Friday Thought

Bal’s Friday Thought…

An old colleague recently reached out to me. He said, ‘Bal… I need some advice’.

I was more than happy to share whatever elements of wisdom I had and also provide him with not answers but questions for him to come to the answers.

You see, for me, I love to see people succeeding. It’s not a competition – it’s about everyone getting to where they want to get to and if I can help folks on that journey, then that’s only a good thing, right?